pillar man reacting to their s/o with a toothache

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Request: How would the pillar man react to their special woman, can be married or just dating, having a tooth ake or a bad tooth? Maybe she hides it from them by not eating much around them, eating less of her favorite sweets than usual, taking pain pills that she tries to hide from them but eventually they find them, she's on too much of a budget for a dentist.


-he noticed that something was up with you when you didn't eat the sweets that he brought you

When he asked you about it, you lied, saying that you were just trying to watch your weight as he narrowed his eyes at you

-he knew that you were lying, by he didn't know the actual truth, so he let it go.

-As time went on he saw the way you would place a hand on the side of your mouth, when you thought he wasn't looking or that you had to drive to the store 2 times a week to get "drinks"
one day when you went to the store he went into your room and searched every square inch of it until he found what he was looking for, the pill bottles.

-As soon as he heard the door open, he downstairs with the bottle in his hands as he asked you, what the pills were for.

-You sighed as you explained the situation you were in and why you can't do anything about it
After processing the information, Kars found a book on dentistry and read the entire thing that day

-When you woke up the next morning, you didn't feel the pain in your mouth anymore, but you felt a little dizzy

-Kars came in shortly with your tooth in his hand as he told you that when you were asleep, he sedated you a little and pulled the tooth out 

-you pulled him into a hug as you thanked him over and over again.


-Just like Kars, he could sense something wasn't right, because of how you ate.

-You told him that you already ate something, but when he asked you what did you eat, you froze for a little before saying something

-Sometimes you when think you are alone, he is there watching you as you poke at something in your mouth and flinch or he would watch you go through some files that lefted you with a frown on your face.

-he waited a few days to see if you were going to come clean yourself or if you were going to continue to hide it from him. So he put a plan together.

-When you went out for the day, he snoped around your room until he found the files that you were looking at

-He was heart broken when he found out that you couldn't get your tooth looked at because of the mortgage of the house

-he gathered some of his jewels that he considered useless to him and pawned in ( yes he was wearing human clothing) 

-When you returned home he gave you the large sum of money and told you to go get your tooth looked at in the morning 

-you teared up as you hugged him dropping your bag on the ground


-there is no way to hide any source of pain from this warrior, but if you are able to do it, then it won't last long

-he has been through many different types of pain, so it's not hard to tell when you are hurt
first he will ask you what's wrong. If you don't tell him or tell him not to worry about it, then he will take matters into his own hand

-no matter what you say, he is going to search every part of you until he finds out what is causing you so much dicomfort

-when he finds out it is your tooth, he will immediately take you to Kars, so he could see what's wrong with you


-He could sense that something was wrong the first time he saw you not eating the treats he brought you.

-he didn't say anything though, he thinks if it was something serious, you would come to him about

-However after a few days, it seemed your situation only worsen to the point that you were barely eating or drinking

-unbeknown to you, that he found out what was wrong with you , one night when you were sleeping and just like Kars he read a dook on dentistry and took care of your problem himself

-However, he doesn't wait til you are sleep to do it. He talks to you about it fist to make sure you are comfortable with what he's about to do.

PILLAR MEN HEACANNONS SEASON 1 (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora