Chapter eleven: "Monsieur Adams, pleasure to meet you."

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"Achoo." I sneezed vehemently. I quickly trailed after Adams into the airport to stop my allergies from progressing. While my asthma wasn't bad, when I was younger I used to get really bad coughing fits, sometimes forcing me to sit out during gym class. Since arriving at Secretum, I definitely had been given better medications and my well-being had improved but my allergies would flare up from time to time.

"Fine day isn't it?" Adams asked me while he typed on his phone as I finally caught up to him. My throat felt a little parched, prompting me to pull out my water bottle from my bag and took take a big swig of it.

"Um, it's kind of windy and cold." I stated, placing my water bottle back where I got it from and zipped my jacket up. Whatever Adams had said about being cold blooded now and feeling colder was true. I had brought extra blankets for Nix and I for the airplane incase we got super cold and the flight attendants refused to give extra ones to us.

"Yes, but I'm finally free of you two nuisances." I scowled at him. While I appreciated people who were honest, I wasn't a fan of people who were so straightforward. Or maybe it was just that I wasn't a fan of Adams altogether. I was still mad about my research he had interrupted and worried how I would continue it in the next few days.

"I-" As I was about to respond to him, I was suddenly interrupted.

"Um Monsieur Adams?" Monsieur? Someone said in a strong accent which sounded very much familiar to me. Here we go again. But since when did Mademoiselle Picket start calling him monsieur? I turned around to face her but instead there was one of the air hostesses from Air France staring at Adams.

The only reason why I was able to recognize it was a flight attendant from Air France was because the flight where that horrific crime scene took place was an Air France crew. I remember them taking statements from a few of the flight attendants as Nix and I sat and watched in silence, creating our judgements in our heads. The lady in front of me was wearing a fitted navy blue dress up to her knees and a red belt tied like a bow on her waist, the same outfits the airline crew interviewed by Adams a few months back were wearing.

I focused on the Adams and the air hostess and blinked back and forth between them. What was happening? Who was she? Did he know her? Perhaps he had met her earlier at the interview.

"Yes...?" He asked, a curios look perched on his face. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" His voice sounded dry and a little shaky. Never mind, I guess they didn't know each other. Adams had a really good memory, he never forgot faces or names.

"This is the man I was informing you about." And there was the devil's spawn. "He is single and young, just look at him. Isn't he a true beauty?" I glanced at the 'true beauty'. He gazed at the two women with a scowl and a straight rigid back. A loud snort escaped through my nose and Adams, a very tomato red looking Adams, snapped his head towards me, demanding my immediate silence with his icy eyes. My lips began quivering and I had to smack my hand on top of my mouth. I had forgotten that I was supposed to be mad at him.

"Monsieur Adams, pleasure to meet you." She lifted her right hand to shake his hand but instead of lifting his right hand as well, he lifted his left one and both their hands just awkwardly hung in the air. That did it. Nix and I both excused ourselves so we could go laugh in our privacy but he dragged us by our collars towards the checkout counter line to send our luggage into the plane.

"What is wrong with that woman?!" Adams huffed in our ears.

"She seemed pretty nice. What are you talking about sir?" Nix responded.

"Not the flight attendant, I'm talking about Mademoiselle Picket."

"Uh, I was talking about her as well." Nix spoke. Agent Adams' ear began turning red and this time I couldn't hold back the laughter.

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