Chapter twenty seven: Halloween (Part 2)

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Just kidding... unfortunately. Before I was able to slither and squeeze my hands around that wicked old hag's neck, Nix pushed my shoulders which threw me off balance and landed me onto the floor in a heap with a loud bang courtesy of the back of my skull.

Her hands were still gripped around my shoulder, restraining me to the floor.

I pushed, kicked, tried rolling her over but Nix had clamped onto my wrists and twisted her leg around both of mine. She had me anchored down, completely immobilized me.

"Get..." I grunted and flailed my hands back and forth- in all directions trying to rid her metal grip. All I managed to do though was sweep the floor with my hair and butt.  "-off me Nix!" Through the pupils of Nix's eyes, I saw my own eyes still glowing, looking like a snake ready to devour it's little, weak prey any moment.

"Just breathe!" Her hands were still tightly enclosed around mine. Darn it, if only I hadn't skipped training that day with River to be the first customer in line to buy The Three Blind Sisters' first ever chocolate lamps, then maybe I would've been able to maneuver out of this vice like hold.

"I'll breathe when she isn't!" I hissed and since I couldn't point towards Del, I simply swished my head and lifted it up in Del's direction. But when I looked in Del's direction, I found myself calming down a bit. Both of us locked eyes and I found something interesting on Del's face.





Her eyes were wide, hands were trembling as they held onto the plate which was also shaking, causing the utensils to clatter against it. She saw me studying her and pulled her cat eye frames above her head and immediately her facial expression changed into a neutral one. Then it turned into a sneer.

"Is this what you wanted Missy? Trying to scare me away? Only a fool would tease a wolf without any spears. You can't hurt me Missy, don't waste your time and if you truly wished to be a normal girl, you would act like one. You are a good performer after all." Del snarled. My eyes switched back to normal, indicated by Nix who climbed off of me.

I was still mad about everything Del had said but now I was also confused? Why would she randomly bring that up? And what did she mean by 'Only a fool would tease a wolf without any spears?' Was there like a reptilian tranquilizer she had been given by Marisa? That must've been it. What person would be nuts enough to stay with two teenage girls, let alone reptilians without a glock.

As Del threw her dishes in the sink which clanged loudly against the metal, she turned around and finished speaking, "Don't forget anything I said." Then she made her way back up the stairs after wreaking havoc.

Both of us stood in the same positions, frozen, wanting to move on from what just happened but also trying to process it. A minute later, Nix let go of her breath and began speaking, "Don't worry about the dishes, I'll do them. In the meantime you should finish your homework."

I didn't move but Nix broke the thoughts that were racing through my mind. I felt another surge of anger but it was different this time, Nix had just irritated me. "Do you honestly think that after that I want to do my homework?! Did you not just see what happened? I really don't care if I fail this stupid test it means absolutely nothing to me."

"Al..." I held my hand up.

"I need some air." I restrained myself from pushing an innocent chair to the floor and marched up to the door and out. The door slammed shut behind me and I dashed down the steps before Nix could follow after me and yammer some more about her dumb academics.

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