Chapter forty two: Exploiting gold

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My head fell back against the pillow as Johanna roughly pulled out what felt as two suction tubes off of my teeth. My head was pounding and my body felt like it was on fire. I gasped for air.

"Aw don't be such a baby. I know you're stronger than that." She touched my forehead with the back of my hand and I slapped her away.

"Don't... ever... touch me... you freak." I spat at her. Her smile turned into a frown and she glared at me. She pushed my face away and walked away. I turned my head towards her and watched her parading around the room in a lab coat. My eyes caught her hair which was different from yesterday which was red but today it was the deepest black I had seen. She had the two plastic tubes that she had put in my mouth with something gold inside of it. Venom.

"Cairo! Come and take her away. Fetch the other one." My gaze jerked towards the door. Nix. She was here.

I had to come up with a plan. Whenever this Cairo came in, I could use him as leverage against Johanna. She would have no choice then to let Nix and I go. My eyes scanned the room for a sharp object. There was imminent amount of equipment here which I could use as a weapon. There was a glass vase next to me which I grabbed and hid under my blanket before Johanna saw.

"Cairo! Hurry up!" She screeched. I resisted the urge to cover my ears. "Useless, counterproductive, hopeless imbecile." She muttered to herself.

While I had no interest in speaking with her, I realized that there was questions I wanted answers to. I slowly sat up on the cot but it took all the energy I could muster. Why the hell did I feel so tired? As for my legs, I just realized that I couldn't even feel them. I quickly ripped the thin sheet away from them.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in harvesting your legs." She came up right beside me and I yelped. She pulled the vase that I had grabbed earlier away from me and threw it in the trash bin and it shattered. "Even if you managed to break my head with that thing, you'd barely make it off of this cot without anyone's help. You've been given heavy sedatives along with other medications." She hissed.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Why are you doing this? What the hell do you want from me?" She groaned loudly and buried her face in her hands.

"Are you seriously that dull? What does this look like to you." She held up of a tube of liquid gold in my face. "This my dear is-"

"Venom. I know what it is. But why? Why do you want it?" I inquired. It was hard to focus on her when my held wanted droop every five seconds and my vision was blurry.

"Well Alaska, why do people buy gold? Diamonds? Oil? Money. Money are the reins on this planet. It controls the world. Countries that are rich flourish. The ones that aren't, they're worth nothing. Look at how oil has changed the world. A precious resource in the right person hand's has the ability to change things."

"S-so what's your plan? World domination. You think Nix and my venom will somehow change this world?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"All you need to know is that what makes something rare is when there is a very limited amount of it. That's what makes it so remarkable. Sand on the other hand... I wouldn't even pay a penny for it. You my dear, I can promise you something right now, you're worth a lot more than just grain of dirt, and I'm not saying this to flatter you." She got up from her chair and pulled a book out. It was as thick as a brick and looked fragile as some porcelain doll. The cover was a forest green and there were letters engraved on it in a gold colour.

She began flipping through some pages of it and pulled something out- a photo copied page of a spreadsheet with too many numbers on them for me to focus on at the moment.

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