Chapter forty-seven: The Great Escape

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Her sharp voice cut through the air. My hands froze. No. No. No.

I slowly turned around and met Johanna's icy gaze. How did she arrive so quickly? Then it hit me.

"Cairo told you we were trying to escape."

She lifted an eyebrow. "Cairo?" She looked at me confused then realisation clicked. "Ah, I see. So you've made some false promises to him in hopes of getting out of here. What a naive boy he still seems to be. You would think he would learn from his mistakes. How foolish." I gripped the vials tightly. Her gaze fell on them and her lips tightened.

"Get out of my way before I break all of these." I snarled. All you hard work will be spilled on the floor. I'm sure you could always mop it later and squeeze the last drops of venom out. But that would mean losing a lot wouldn't it?" Her jaw clenched.

She put her hand out, warning me. "Put it down. I wouldn't want to shoot you and lose some of my supply. I've worked too hard." She moved closer but I put my hand out, stopping her on her tracks.

"You take one step forwards, this goes in the incinerator." I warned.

Johanna looked like she was ready to pop my head like a balloon. "Well, what may I do for you to stop you fruitless attempts at destroying my work?" She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the ground as if arguing with me over a piece of candy and not my own venom, unwillingly taken away from me.

"Let Nix and I go." She shook her head.

"Firstly, I hope Cairo doesn't hear that you've already betrayed the poor thing already." She chuckled and sat down on the cot where Nix had been on before the cuffs were taken off of her. "Secondly, do you honestly believe, like genuinely believe that you're going to be let go? At least let go this soon?" She looked outraged. "Sorry to disappoint you darling, but the answer, as I hope you presumed, is no." I eyed her up and down.

"You're one person against three." She smirked.

"Am I? It seems to me that I'm up against 3 amateurs. You know Alaska, one thing I do admire about you is the ability to persuade people. I don't know how you swayed Cairo to turn against me, or making me believe he was the stalker but I like your persuasion tactics." I scoffed.

"Firstly, I didn't sway Cairo, just look at the way you treat him. I'm sure he couldn't care less about Nix and I. He's trying to set himself free from your clutches. Secondly, I only told you what I saw. Don't think that I'm making things up. It only makes sense that Cairo was the stalker." She unconvincingly nodded her head.

"Mhm, or have you figured out who it was and refuse to tell me?" I stiffened. How was she so sharp?

"How about a new deal. I don't break your legs and you tell me who you think it is." I looked at her incredulously. I pretended to drop the vial and she immediately got up and ran towards it. "You." She seethed like a dragon breathing fumes out of its nostrils.

"Let us go. You've already gotten so much from us. You'll end up killing us with the way you're treating us." But all she could focus on was the vial in my hand.

She eyed me up and down then looked around. It was so quickly that I barely had time to register what had happened. She grabbed a scalpel from the table behind her and quickly grabbed me and placed me in a chokehold. I grunted.

"Let go of me." I hissed. I couldn't breathe. My airways were blocked from her iron strong hold. I elbowed her a few times but she pulled the scalpel and held it up to my eye. I let out a cry and tried moving back but where would I go? She was the one standing behind me, holding me back.

I felt her warmth breath on my ear. "I didn't want things to come to this but I guess it won't hurt me if you lost an eye. It will hurt you thought I promise." She grabbed my face with her hand, still having me placed in the chokehold. I tried moving my face away from her towards the table but what was the point. She was stronger than me and knew the defence tactics I had tried.

Agent Reptilian: Exploiting Gold|editingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz