Chapter twenty three: Theatre performances

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(Edit: TW panic attack Idek if this resonates with people who have had a panic attack because I can't relate with it so I may have gone on Reddit and tried my best from what people were able to share about their experiences but if you find what I've written offensive and wrong, let me know and we can fix it)

     Someone had sucked out every drop of Oxygen from the atmosphere. Perhaps taken a vacuum and extracted the air out, leaving me to slowly suffocate.

Trembling hands of mine clamped onto the edge of the round, glass table, pressing hard and leaving fingerprints.

Come on, just... breathe.

Things started getting blurry around me. As if someone had pulled some part of my brain out which left me feeling dizzy and bad vision.


It was distorted. The voice that said my name. It was haunting. Deep, distorted and haunting voice. It didn't sound natural. Did the grim reaper call out it's victims before snatching them? It's arrived and ready to take me at any moment.

Someone was squeezing my heart, trying to crush it into pieces. I removed my hands from the table and clutched my heart, hissing loudly, similar to a snake's. God, it hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much?

"What hurts Miss?" Another haunting and distorted voice. This was a bit faint. Was death teasing me?

Everything hurt though. My muscles, my heart, my freaking head! I'm in pain-God! Someone please help!

"Does anyone have a blanket?" A similar voice spoke. A blanket to perhaps wrap my corpse in. My airways had been constricted. When am I going to die? Am I going to die? I definitely am. I have to speak with Alexandra... and Mark.

A few seconds, or maybe a few minutes later a covering was placed on me. I was definitely alive though, that was obvious given my heart rate was racing. The covering was thick and felt like it was weighted with something. It brought comfort to me.

My hands began digging into the pavement so I could feel something and I gently circled my fingers around the rough ground, feeling the bumps and rough surface of the road on my fingertips.

My heartbeat, once erratic, began slowing down. My senses, one by one came back to me.

I was sitting on the ground of the cafe floor, hidden underneath a table. Figures were standing around me, a lot of them. Large ones, short ones, mostly sharing the same facial expression, worry. Oh and there was Del, she just sat on the chair, continuing to read her book.

To my right was Nix's figure crouching. I examined her bright green eyes, beautiful curly hair and the tiny scar near her hair line. She moved closer to me and gently hugged me.

"You better Al?" She patted my back with one hand and the other hand joined with mine and I squeezed it.

"Thank you." I whispered quietly. My lips slightly quivered and my eyes became moist. She's always been there for me. No matter what it is, she's always waited beside me. Why is it that I've abandoned her so much? Why do I get mad at her so much? She's my family, if I truly loved her, I would understand and not let my emotions get to me.

"Come on, let's get you up." A man spoke from beside me. His dark, long hair was in dreads and he held his hand out which I grabbed and got up with.

"Thank you sir." He nodded and gave me a gentle pat in the back then left. The customers around me all nodded or said a sweet message then went back to their respective seats.

Nix pulled my chair out and I slowly sat down, still holding onto the table for stability.

"Eat." She shoved a plate of my half eaten club sandwich towards me then opened my Pre-Calc textbook. Nix stuck her thumb on her tongue then flipped around the pages of the book looking for the right unit.

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