Chapter twenty nine: What happened to Kaleb?

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Another weekend had gone by. I sat on the fragile couch in the living room, contemplating what had happened on Halloween. I drew tiny circles around the furniture with my fingers, causing some of the fabric to rip off.

I had lost her temper with Del and also had almost gotten the opportunity to scratch her eyeballs off. I had come to such a low point in life that a toddler dressed as a turkey had evoked envy in me. I thought-believed at this point that i heard Alexandra's ghost and had almost been abducted by Ghostface. Oh and someone had sucker punched my friend who had gone MIA.

Well, I hadn't gotten the opportunity to contact him so I didn't know if he had gone MIA as our phones were being monitored, but I was starting to worry. Whenever I felt anxious, I could feel my figure crouching, shoulders slouching and my head dipping.

I also felt bad that I spent Halloween having fun, well, an attempt at fun then thinking of Alexandra. I should've gone home after I heard her spirit or whatever the hell called my name. Why on earth did her ghost call my name, I don't know. Maybe she wanted that day to be about her, I did spend a lot of time thinking about her but hardly ever did I mention her outloud.

Was I losing my mind? Was this some late side effect of becoming a reptilian? Ghosts don't even exist, I don't believe in that crap. It one hundred percent was the turkey girl who called me, I thought to myself.

But aside from that, the question that kept pondering in my mind was why on earth was I pulled away by Ghostface? Why me?

If the person wanted to attack Kaleb, which lord almighty knows why, then why drag me?

Both of these attacks must be connected, the coincidence of both occurring at the exact same time was too high but then again what the hell had happened? Is this something I should be concerned about? Is my life in threat? Does someone know about the Reptilian thing?

I hadn't told Nix anything yet- not because Kaleb told me to stay silent, Nix would definitely be someone I'd be telling but she'd been really happy on Halloween night and everyone was enjoying so much, it would've been selfish for me to ruin it. Especially since we hadn't had a proper outing with friends since pre reptilian, the party thrown for them by River and others was great but it had it's restrictions.

When Sana had noticed Kaleb wasn't there and asked me, all I had said was that his mom needed him home for something but I could sense that she knew I was lying but she didn't say anything.

In fact, she seemed to have forgotten about it easily and went back to stuffing her face with candy but I just could not shake the anxiety and nervousness I felt. I felt the presence of someone following me, there were at least a hundred kids in the street and some would have contributed to that feeling as they technically were following us all but to get candy, not to plan an abduction.

But after being attacked by Ghost face, I just felt tense the entire night, looking behind my shoulder constantly. Nix knew something was wrong but when she pried, I told her it was just because of Alexandra's death anniversary.

I definitely had to tell Nix the truth though, I had to get this off of my chest.

Today, before school, would be the best time.

Alaska slid off the couch and walked across the living room and entered the kitchen where Nix was reading The Sunshine News that ironically always bore bad news. Loud crunching noises came from the table area as Nix munched on her microwavable breakfast tortilla.

I pulled a chair and sat down. Nix stopped immediately and stared at me. Crumbs of the tortilla fell on the paper plate as she opened her mouth.

"Do you know how much crime is taking place lately? According to this article, on Halloween night there were 3 shootings all in the area!"

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