Chapter thirteen: "Welcome to Miami International Airport."

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"I need to go to the bathroom." Nix suddenly announced. Mademoiselle Picket threw Nix her dirtiest look and angrily tossed her utensils in the foil box sitting atop the plastic tray.

"At this very moment? I specifically asked you five minutes ago if you needed to go and you declined. I wanted to eat my lunch in peace." She fumed. I sighed and went back to my word search, crossing the word 'headache' with my pencil. I was already stressed from being in their airplane, my senses overloaded and these two would not stop bickering.

"Well I didn't have to go then but I gotta go now. Please." Nix whined. Mademoiselle Picket snatched her lunch from her tray, shut it and got up. I got up as well and Nix jumped up and ran towards the lavatory. We returned to our respective seats and V Mademoiselle Picket clicked a button on her remote, calling the air hostess. I mentally prepared myself to witness yet another act of verbal abuse from Mademoiselle Picket.

The air hostess arrived within a few moments. "Is everything okay?" There was swelling around her eyes and she sniffled a little. "How can I be of assistan-" Mademoiselle Picket chucked the lunch box in her hands. I groaned internally and I lifted the puzzle book up to my face so she wouldn't know I'm associated with this maniac.

"Take this garbage and leave. And I will speak to the chef later. Such horrible food. If this dish is supposed to be pasta then the tofu I had the other day must be a Lamb steak." I squirmed as Mademoiselle Picket lectured her and I melted in my seat. I don't think a day had gone by in her life where at least one man had not been terrorized.

Finally the air hostesses left, crying, might I add and Mademoiselle Picket crossed her hands in her lap and stared off into space. Glancing around, I noticed the stares of the other passengers watching Mademoiselle Picket and whispering things to each other. I imagine they didn't have anything positive to say.

"Weak girl." She muttered. I scoffed.

"Well if you yell at her for something she wasn't even in charge of course she'll cry." I stated and went back to my crossword.

She shook her head. "No, I'm not speaking about the flight attendant. I was referring to you." I paused then slowly turned towards her.

"What? What are you talking about?" Weak? What had I done that was weak? "What do you mean?" I demanded. Who on earth was she to go around calling people weak?

Mademoiselle Picket dramatically sighed.

"You are weak as in you are not strong. Is that difficult to understand young girl? You wish to be an agent one day, work for one of the top security agencies in the world yet you cried when boarding the plane. You're no better then that large crying woman in the corner."

Suddenly, Nix came into our view and her jaw opened and shut like a fish's. "I wasn't crying." She protested and stomped her foot on the ground. "And while there's nothing wrong with large women, I would definitely not qualify as one." Both Mademoiselle and I got up to let Nix slide into the seats. She glared at Picket and turned her head away as she took her seat. We both also took out seats again, having to put the pillow and blanket in the right spot so that it'd be comfortable. As soon as I was about to start arguing with her again, someone interrupted me.

"Excuse me. Are you Alaska Brooks?" Mademoiselle Picket, Nix and I tensed up. Who had recognized me? How did they know me? The only people I knew were from Secretum Academy. There was no way anyone else would have recognized me.

Mademoiselle Picket elbowed me in the ribs and I looked up to see a young East Asian men staring at me. A complete stranger. Then it dawned on me.

It wasn't a stranger. My memory started piecing features of his face together and I realized who it was.

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