Chapter five: "you're being relocated to Miami Florida"

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"Alright, alright gather around people." Austin clapped his hands loudly to gather the attention of all the young teens. The loud crowd hushed down and they all turned towards us.

Even though I myself was a 17 year old teenager, I could never trust other ones. I stared at the group of 13-14 year olds standing around us, all with smug looks and high pitched voices that cracked randomly every mid sentence. They all looked as if their parents had dragged them here which was indeed the case for at least half of them.

I glanced around the group, putting names to some familiar faces. Many of them I had helped with after school training programs and at events going around at Secretum. Others I had probably seen and chatted to around the 'caf', what we called the cafeteria.

All the juniors and seniors of Secretum's highschool were forced to give incoming freshmen or potential ones a tour of Secretum. I don't know why the ones that were already attending the middle school at Secretum were also attending this tour since they were already familiar with everything but here they were.

Austin, Nix and I had signed up to be together and now these pain in the butts were our responsibility. I remember being 14 and that's what made weary of these young teens. I was never up to any good and I remember going on this tour myself and almost setting the leader's hair on fire. I looked towards Austin's head, so far so good.

"So are we going to stand here all day or actually have a look around? Some of us actually have important things to do." A boy with red hair, a face filled with pimples and braces which flashed when he smiled spoke. His friends laughed and they all high fived. I rolled my eyes. I recognized him as Adrian Shawn, Officer Leslie's little brother. I suppose it ran in the genes to make other peoples lives as miserable as possible.

"Listen here, I don't remember asking you to open your mouth so why don't you keep it shut and stand there in silence like the good boy mommy and daddy think you are." There was an ooh in the crowd and Austin shushed them all and then looked at me with intensity.

"Al, what are you doing? He's just a kid. There's no need to fight a 13 year old." He had a point but...but it was fun. His smile flashed as he opened his mouth again. I sighed, now what was he going to say?

"Well, um, uh..." I snorted and pretended to check my nails, he couldn't even say anything back. "...someone call Cirque du Soleil because the star of the show has arrived." He gestured towards my outfit and all the other little gons oooed again. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the burn I felt.

"That wasn't even good." I subconsciously played with the hem of my burgundy jacket, after feeling self conscious all of a sudden. Was pink bandana a bit too much? It was using it to hide as much of my hair as I could. I still hadn't thought of a way to explain my hair color changing in front of someone's eyes and I'm not sure if there was a logical explanation to give.

"Yeah it was. Awesome job Adrian." A pudgy boy with golden mop of hair on his head  next to clapped a very proud looking Adrian.

I pulled both the sleeves of my jacket back. "Alright, alright. Ahem, if you boys think you're so better than me, well, let's fight then." They all laughed as if I would be able to be defeated within seconds. We shall see.

Suddenly, Austin grabbed me and carried me away at least 15 feet away from them. I looked back at Adrian who was giving me that stupid smile again.

"Al, what are you doing." He hissed. I was about to answer his question when another red head came towards us, but thankfully a much more tolerable one. "Where have you been Nix?" Austin asked her while still restraining me. Nix noticed and raised an eyebrow.

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