Chapter 20: A Special Guest

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Mariam's POV


I sensed something silky and soft scrape against my bare face.

"Shhh." The girl chortled. I consumed mouthful of humid air. I wasn't going to survive this, no I wasn't going too. She's going to kill me, she's going to kill me.

I want to live.

I shrieked on the top of my lungs but I felt the girl's smooth hand swiftly clasp onto my mouth, instantly muffling my ruckus. I bit down hard onto it, my tongue coming in contact with her salty skin. It's the only thing that comes to my mind now if anyone closes their hand around my mouth. She let a cry out and her weight gets off of me.

"I will kill you!" She screeched. I slid back, inching my way towards the bathroom door. She leaps on me, which again forced me to lay flat on the ground. Prickles of sharp teeth sink into my arms and face, but not hard enough to cause blood trickle out, but enough to leave dark bruises. I shrieked anew, the pain so overwhelming.

My ears, then, picked up the bathroom door trying to be pounded free from the other side. Whoever was there wasn't able to open it from outside, because of course, the bathroom door was locked from the inside. The girl drifted over me, like a wild animal, protecting its prey. She let a diminutive snarl out her mouth as the door vigorously opened, the lock probably broken, and there stood Sir Immortia and Adam.

The girl backed off while I scrambled to my feet and went behind Adam, afraid of a little girl.

"What on Earth, Zoe?" Sir Immortia hollered. "You were forbidden to roam around like that, you know? And attacking a special guest? You are in big trouble." Sir Immortia scowled at the girl, apparently named Zoe, fixed in the middle of the bathroom with her doll in her arms.

"You okay? I heard your screams and called for Sir Immortia." Adam reversed around to look at me. I dabbed my hair down and glared.

"Yeah, I'm fine." No I'm not. This is a scary, wretched place where you can be killed by a little girl even.

The girl said 'I'm sorry' in a hushed tone and Sir Immortia had a cloaked man take her to her room. Then he paid attention to me.

"Sorry about that! She's one weird girl who goes around scaring people. Two people already had heart attacks, but I guarantee you she will never cause no harm."

"L.O.L." Adam said each letter, not in a humorous way, but in an angry tone. "She bit Mariam. You can see the bruises appearing on her face, and you're telling me she will never cause no harm?"

"Now, now, no need to get angry. Zoe wouldn't kill anyone is what I meant." Sir Immortia sounded defensive but I assumed he agreed with Adam.

"She's attacked a few people and caused them injuries." Adam pointed out. "Why don't you punish her, like you do to everyone else?"

"Adam..." I began. On top of everything, Zoe was a child. She can't possibly be punished.

"This is the first time you burst out on Zoe, Adam." Sir Immortia replied calmly. "Is it because your princess got hurt by her?"

Adam was taken back. "I-I don't..." He looked down. I did too. What was Sir Immortia thinking?

I skimmed up to find him simpering. "Well, I suppose it's settled. By the way," he angled his head at me. "The light switch was here, by the bathroom door." He pointed at it. It was there all along. And I went through that whole trouble.

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