Chapter 9: Disappearing Woman

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Amina's POV



Mom was confused about the gifts "disappearing" but shrugged it off.

So many things were irking my mind, especially Ayame saying she made the cake when clearly she didn't. I decided I'd go find her.

Mom insisted that Sara should come with me but I begged that I needed some alone time. She told me to come back before dinner and I agreed.

I decided I'd ask a neighbour if they knew about Ayame. I rung a random door and a middle aged man opens the door and smiles at me. I ask about Ayame and he tells me her address saying Ayame was a well known woman here. I thank him and go to the street she lived in which was not far from my home.

I rung her door and no one opened. I hesitate and rang one more time before deciding I'd come later. The door opened though and Ayame motioned me to come inside. I reluctantly stepped inside to hear a baby crying. She told me she had a son who was a born a couple months ago.

"You don't have a husband?" I shouldn't have asked as her eyes saddened.

"Sometimes you need to protect what you love even if it is to protect it from something else you love."

I didn't want to ask about the cake anymore so I was about to leave when she begged me to stay. I told her my mother must be waiting but then everything started shake and she yelled, "They're here! They found me!"

I gave her a confused look before she grabbed her son and urged me to run. We left the house and ran down the street before she stopped midway and gave me the child.

"Keep him safe!"

I look at the child then at her but she ran back to her home. I tried going after her but chickened out.

I ran away, losing myself. I didn't know where my home was and felt terrified.

After it was almost dark, I sit down at a bus stop and a woman comes to me asking about the baby in my arms. I told her he was my brother and I lost the way home after his stroller rolled down a hill and got stuck in the mud. I feel like I'm lying too much nowadays.

She told me about the house I live in saying there was a ghost in there and it haunted her house when she was younger. I listened carefully but Sara yelled my name. I gave an apologetic look and thanked God Sara had found me.

She told me my parents called the police and I was terrified because I knew I was in big trouble.

Sara took me back home which wasn't far from where we were and I drowned in stupidity.

When we came inside, I asked for the police and my dad seemed confused. Sara said she was just joking about that.

Then they asked why I had a baby in my arms.

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