Chapter 10: Truth Searchers

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Mariam's POV.


I was frustrated as I had just gotten out of the hospital and to find out Maymoona had an encounter with some cannibals. I was surprised she survived the cannibal attack.

It's terrifying to be to in the same house as a person who eats humans.

I get into my car, starting it up. Maymoona was unconscious in the morning but when I visited her just now, she was fine and was able to tell me what she discovered from Sara. It wasn't much, but she had a theory that maybe she was being controlled.

My injury was minor, according to the doctors, so I healed pretty well. It was just a scar on the side of my torso, which felt very stiff but as soon as it healed, they let me out in a week.

Right now, I headed towards Amina's home. It was almost midnight, but I was hoping that maybe if there were no humans around to tell what happened that night, there has to be supernatural beings.

I shivered slightly as I got out of the car and took a good look up at the house. It was tall and worn out from the past 20 years. When college starts soon, I'll be sure to write a report on my investigation.

Gliding up the porch steps, I opened the heavy door. I remembered the man I saw in the hidden room. I wanted to know who lived here and what in the world they were doing.

Coughing inside the dusty house, I looked for the hole that lead to the room. I went to the living room and was disappointed at what I saw. The hole that led upstairs was boarded up. How was I able to get up now? it was impossible so I left it as the last time Maymoona and I checked the room out, we found a basket of fruits.

I read through the journal entry and found out the fourth room was supposed to be her fantasy room. It was most likely the room that we checked out.

I sigh, and turn on my heels, making my way to the third floor. The floor had police tape, telling not to trespass. I went under the tape and looked down the long hallway. The room in front of me was closed and I stepped forward to open it.

It seemed to be Amina's room as she mentioned in her journal her room was in front of the staircase. Her furniture was still there and it didn't seem to be touched at all. Thick dust laid on every surface, but the only mess here was the shattered window which was now also boarded up and some books sprawled on the floor.

Then realization hit me. Sara was throwing books at us and novels were everywhere in this room. The window has been shattered and I remember clearly that I had fallen. So, someone was throwing books on Amina and Sara? It was likely. I tried to click on the lights, but they didn't work.

I listed down my findings and observations and went out of the room. Moonlight hit the the floor and walls as it was illuminated from a window at the end of the hall.

Something caught my eyes on the ground. There was a trail of dry blood on the wooden floor. It led from one door and down the hallway to another one. Mom had mentioned something like this to me. After everyone died, she and some police officers went inside to check out the third floor. She said she had seen a trail of blood on the floor, but didn't know what happened.

I opened the door which was diagonally across from Amina's. I opened to find Sara's room. I could tell because the walls had her name on it. There were hints of dry blood in some areas.

What happened here? I followed the trail of blood down the hall towards the other door when suddenly, I heard a faint crying.

I gulp, my heart beating a mile a second. It was coming from down the hall.

Suddenly I heard the sink turn on. Was that a bathroom? I follow the trail of blood that stopped in front of the bathroom door.

So, what if someone went to the bathroom and got hurt and then went to Sara's room to wake her up? Maybe Amina woke up to go to the bathroom, got hurt and started bleeding and then went to Sara for help?

Was there a jinn in the bathroom?

"I-I need help finding out w-what happened that night." I whispered.

The bathroom door burst open to a girl on the bathtub. Her long black hair fell into the floor, and her pale hands grasped the edge of the tub tightly. She lifted her head and I could she had a tear stained face. A few seconds later, she disappeared.

The voices didn't.

I heard grunts of crying and gasps. A voice passed me, and I backed a step suddenly. The door to Sara opened and I heard a scream and someone saying, "get off of her" before feet thudding on the floorboards.

Screaming came from downstairs and people begged to spare their lives.

"I'll take care of the girls." Someone yelled. I froze in fear as I heard a voice by the staircase telling someone to get into a room. Amina's door opened and closed. Footsteps neared as if someone was coming up the steps.

My heart continued to beat rapidly as I tried to make sense on what was happening. The screaming stopped, the footsteps, or any other noise.

There was no one else in the house except for me. Whoever yelled or made any must be on my head.

Or the jinn in the bathroom was replaying what happened That Night. Coming to my senses, I barge into Amina's room.

The scream started again from downstairs and I heard someone shouting, "Who're you? Where are my parents?!"

I heard the window shatter, but it was impossible as their was no glass in this room. Large thuds began to take place and cackles filled the area. Were books being thrown at Amina and Sara?

The noises stopped again and I didn't move. After a few minutes, I didn't hear any noises, knowing this much is what I was getting.

"Why did you help me?" I asked the supernatural being,

"Maybe because I'm against what the scientist is planning." Someone answered. It was a sound of a male, but I couldn't see him.

"Are you a jinn?"


"What scientist?"

I didn't get an answer back. I slowly walk down the flight of stairs before landing on the first floor.

I was shaken up from the whole experience. I still couldn't put my finger on it, but something like that I just experienced has happened.

I stumble out the door and get into my car. I look towards the windows of the house to find that man staring at me from the Fantasy Room again. I cowered down and drove across the street to where I my home stood.

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