Chapter 3: Concealing Hummer

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Amina's POV



I was done taking a shower when I heard humming from my soon-to-be Fantasy Room. I became curious to see if the thing I encountered yesterday would be there.

My heart beated in my chest hoping the thing wouldn't hurt me. It hasn't yet so that should be good news.

When I opened the door, the humming stopped and I saw the walls were painted with what I wanted. Fairies and castles with unicorns and knights. It was amazing.

"Thank you." I said to whoever did this.

When I turn around, a piece of paper caught my eye. "You're welcome."

I was extremely happy but that soon faded when my mother said I had to attend school. She already enrolled me to Cougar High a month ago but I protested, asking for homeschool. Both my parents worked and they didn't think I was capable of being alone most of the time.

She had me out of the house with a backpack and Layla, the girl from yesterday who met us with her family, waited for me. We walked half way to school in silence but soon we talked and I laughed a bit. It was nice to actually have a friend.

During school, a newspaper clipping during English caught my eye. The headlines said that the man claimed to by a missing person who disappeared two years ago but his appearance and DNA didn't match. The family didn't recognize him as he committed suicide after being put in a small mental asylum in town.

The thought poked me all day until chemistry. The teacher was very passionate about the subject and had us pair up with each other to do some lab work. I didn't have a partner until a girl came rushing in, sitting beside me. She said her name was Donna Peters and I found her intriguing. She was very giddy with curly blond hair and very light blue eyes.

The teacher paired us up but I wasn't looking forward to talking. Donna and I got along well so it was okay.

When the bell rang and it was the end of the first day of school, she dropped her pencil while rushing out and when I ran after her to return it, she kind of disappeared.

After school, Layla came over to check out the house and hang out. We both go inside and find cake on the dining table. She said that it was thoughtful of my mom to make cake, but I was sure the last time she made cake was yesterday. This was chocolate cake and my mom was still at work.

There were three plates but only two had cake slices placed on them. This could only be the work of the thing in my house. I let Layla eat while I said my thanks to the invisible being and went back to the cake. It was really delicious but things were so weird, I didn't know how to react.

While eating, Layla told me it was rumoured that the house was haunted. There was different theories as some said it was a poltergeist, another said it was a ghost, but Layla thought it was a jinn.

"They're been living in this house ever since it was built. I don't know how many though."

"Jinns?" That caught my attention.

"Yeah, you know? Jinns! They're like invisible human beings but not humans because humans can't be invisible."

"I know what you're talking about." I laughed. "Don't they hurt you?"

"No they don't. Well, not most because they also have families and hearts." Layla rolled her eyes. "It's bad luck if you call them so don't try any kind of ritual."

"Of course not! But what if they come to you without you summoning them?"

"That's also bad luck."

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