Chapter 22: "Do you value your own life?"

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Adam's POV


"You've been working with her?" Yamato exaggerated a little too much.

"No, not really. We just met, looked through some boxes in her attic, done." I leaned against the wall. I don't know if I should feel anything. Yamato will be executed, but there is no grief in me. I must be pathetic and a cold-hearted monster. A heartless being. At least I was here, in his room, spending some time with him. He was asking how I knew Mariam and such.

"You've really done it. You led the girl into this mess. It's dangerous for her, you know?" Yamato scowled at me and I simply rolled my eyes.

"Relax. She ain't gonna die, neither Maymoona. Anyways I wanted to work with her."

"What do you mean 'wanted to work with her'?! You already know more than her, than what was the point?" Yamato was raising his voice.

"It isn't that." I puckered my lips.

"Oh? Then what the hell." He cracked his knuckles and glared. I ran my hand through my hair and avoided eye contact with him.

"What was the reason, Adam?" Yamato pushed.

"Nothing really. If you were smart enough, you'd get it by now but this proves you're really a stupid human being." I was about to open the door to walk out when he stopped me.

"I knew it, but I thought it couldn't possibly be that reason. If it is, you're the stupid one."

"Heh, say what you want." I walk out the door, slamming it shut.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and walked down the hallway. A candle went out somewhere and it became a little darker. I liked it.

I was about to turn a corner when something grabbed me by the ankle. I fell with a thud and groaned. My injury was still severe from yesterday's car accident. I tried to get up but I was already being pulled away. Damn it.

"Who the hell is there?" No one answered and I was pulled in a room. The door shut and locked itself. I didn't feel anyone grabbing my ankle anymore and I sat up, my side hurting like flaming hell. I winced and rubbed it.

"I said, who is there? Answer the damn question." I looked around the room. It was stuffy and old boxes filled the place. It was dark too. The only thing that lit up the place a little bit was a single candle. I squinted my eyes as I saw something shift.

Then a face peeked out from behind one of the boxes. It was a woman. Her eyes were only white, her hair floating in the air, her red lips curled in a wide smile.

"Who are you?" She looked inhuman, that's for sure.

I was replied only with her head tilted. A few moments later she inched towards me and came really close.

"Careful... I sense something big." And then she was gone, scurried into the darkness of the room. No doubt about it, she was a jinn.

The door unlocked and opened by itself. I didn't really care what she said. Something big was going to happen. It was common sense. Something big was going to happen and I needn't to be reminded.

I half crawled, half-limped out of the room. My side was hurting and walking was out of the question. I cursed and sat down, leaning against the wall. I closed my eyes and took deep, shallow breaths to calm down the pain.

A few minutes later I heard footsteps approaching me. I opened my eyes and saw someone emerge from the darkness. I automatically noticed it was a guard, as due to his attire – a black cloak. I turned my face away and closed my eyes, ignoring the human.

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