Chapter 5: Avenger

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Amina's POV



After eating the cake, it got intense though as when we went upstairs, Layla heard a humming. I pretended not to know what she was talking about but when she insisted going into my Fantasy Room, I panicked. She couldn't know about it, not yet.

She locked herself inside and I waited for an hour for her to come out. Even mother came home but I didn't mention Layla was here. I paced around in my room and when I heard doors being opened, I ran out my room and down the hall to see Layla sitting on the windowsill in the room with a desk in it. I screamed her name and grabbed her but she pushed me away with impossible strength before throwing herself out of the window.

She threw herself out the window!

Mom came rushing in and called 911 and later on, we took her to the hospital.

My family came back at ten and had the police waiting for us. They were filing it as a suicide attempt case but I told them it wasn't possible.

Officer Jackson was a middle-aged man with a thick moustache. He asked me questions but I tried to avoid the cake but it slipped out of my mouth.

He wanted to know who dropped it off and I lied it was a neighbour. Angela, a young police officer was sent to search the neighbourhood for the neighbour. I lied to them that I was new and I didn't know who the "neighbour" was so they let me off the hook.

I was shocked when Angela came back with a young Japanese woman. The woman's name was Ayame Yamato and I was confused because she couldn't have made the cake even though Ayame claimed to.

Angela asked Ayame for the ingredients for the cake in case there was something in there that cause Layla to behave strangely.

Ayame swore it was edible so they let her go and me too. I'm writing this now, and I didn't hear the knocks tonight. I wonder what happened to the invisible being.

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