Chapter 8: Cannibal Encounter

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Maymoona's POV


I stopped screaming as the man moved away from the window. My eyes went wide with realization that the front door wasn't locked.

I wanted to move my feet, but it seemed like gravity was against me. Finally I got the courage to run down the hallway and into the living room. Making my way cautiously to the front hall, I hoped for the best. Who was this man anyways?

A relief spread over me as I saw the front door was locked.

However, a noise in the kitchen sent a shiver down my spine. The backdoor wasn't locked as I recall using it an hour before and winced at that thought.

I prayed while making my way slowly down the living room and into the dining room. I peeked into the kitchen to see the man was inside, sitting on top of the kitchen counter and eating all our meat.

My heart started thudding. Why would he eat raw meat?

My breathing got uneasy and I stifled my cries as fear overwhelmed me. Maybe I should go into my parent's room and lock the door.

I tip-toed quietly out of the dining room, trying to not make a noise. As I just stepped out of the room, the man said in a taunting voice, "I hear you."

I gulped and dared to look behind me. He was leaning over the kitchen counter so he could get a better look into the dining room. His eyes were wide and he had a ghastly smile. His head was bald and he had a hunched back.

"Go wherever you want, dear. Just not outside. There are others like me in front of your doorstep. I don't want them to eat you!" He chuckled. "I want to eat you! You're all mine."

My heart thudded hard as it tried to pry out of my chest. I was afraid I'd get a heart attack. Still as stone, I stared at him, trying to think what he had just said.

"After I'm done this, I'll come for you." He gave the smile again. I slowly nodded, taking his word that others were outside and walked to my parent's room.

"I'm done my food! You're next, princess!" I heard a violent crash then him running which snapped me into reality and caused me to scream. I sprinted into my parent's room and slammed the door shut, locking it. I slipped under the bed and began to cry again as the door started to shake violently.

"Open the door, girl!" The bald cannibal shouted. I wished my parents would come home soon before he does anything worse. The way he was shaking it, the hinges could come off any minute.

Who was this guy? What did he want? Didn't anyone on our street see him coming inside the house?

The blood on him would give himself away and people would call the police or something. All the questions went through my brain. I couldn't fight back, but I've had tried to act tough a lot of times back in high school. This was different, very different. If I have enough strength to knock him out, I can get the phone and call the police or my family members or something. The phone! Why didn't I think of that sooner?

I went to have a glance from under the bed and saw another man peeking in from the window. He was hairy and frowning, his eyes darting around everywhere, trying to look for me. I crawled deeper into my hiding spot.

"Oh God, please help. Please..." I couldn't help but cry again. Minutes later to my horror, I heard the window crash. My heart skipped a beat as I realized the man that was outside had gotten inside. I was shivering slightly and bit my lip from screaming. The man inside the room didn't let the other man in.

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