The Date

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Charlie Dalton:

You waited outside the entrance of your school wearing your best dress (purple). You didn't know what Charlie was going to do so you stood there waiting for him. You saw him quickly running towards you. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting." He smiled as he extended his hand for you to take. "Not at all." You smiled taking his hand as he guided you from your school. "Where are we going?" You asked but he didn't answer. Not until you two were under a big tree near the river. "Here we are." He announced sitting down on the picnic blanket a smile across his face. You sat down next to him as he revealed a picnic basket full of fruits and snacks. "I had to take some from the school's cafeteria last night." He chuckles as you two began to eat and talk. Night was falling and it began to get a bit cold. "Before we leave... I want to play you a song." He smiled taking out his saxophone as he began to play.

Gerard Pitts:

Like Gerard said he picked you up at 3pm, he didn't tell you where he was taking you but guided you some place beautiful. "Where are we?" You asked as you stared at the field of beautiful flowers, "We must've walked for hours!" You laughed looking at him. "No, just a fee minutes, I found  it a few days ago." He chuckled as he offered you his hand which you took. He led you to a picnic blanket where you two talked about nothing in particular.

Knox Overstreet:

It was hard for Knox to sneak out the school, he knocked on your door as you opened it and saw Knox standing a bouquet of flowers in hand. "These are for you." He smiled handing you the flowers. "Thanks." You smiled taking the flowers. "I hope you don't mind the bicycle." He chuckled. "Not at all, I have my own. Wait here." You smiled walking to the garage where you grabbed your bicycle. "Follow me." And you did, you stayed by his side, he talked and you laughed. It was a great bike ride to a field somewhere far. "I found out about this place." He smiled as you saw the field of flowers with a smile. "It's beautiful."

Neil Perry:

Outside your school you waited for Neil, there was no rehearsal this weekend. "Hey Neil!" You waved as you saw him nearing you. He smiled and quickened his pace, "Hey! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." He chuckled as you shook your head. "Not at all, lets go." You smiled as he nodded. You and Neil walked and talked for what seemed like forever. You told jokes and laughed, you enjoyed his company and he enjoyed yours. He took you to a field and under a tree where a picnic blanket was laid and a picnic basket was on top of it.

Steven Meeks:

Meeks was nervous to say the least, he didn't know what you wanted to do or what he was going to wear to the date. "Should I be casual? Or should I dress up?" He asked his roommate Gerard Pitts. "I don't know Meeks, what kind of date is it anyways?" He asked as Meeks began to panic. "I'm going more casual, hopefully I'm not too under dressed." He grumbled before leaving the room walking down and to where you were standing. "Meeks!" You shouted waving for him to walk over to you. "(Y/n)!" He smiled, "Hopefully I didn't keep you waiting too long. How are you?" He asked as you two began walking outside to the field. "Nothing really, my dad called talking about extracurricular activities and such." You smiled as he nodded. "My dad too, he thinks I'm not taking enough extracurriculars, he thinks I should be involved more." He sighed rolling his eyes. You two arrived near the lake where a picnic blanket was laid out. "M'lady." He smiled as you giggled. "What a kind sir you are."

Todd Anderson:

"Todd if you hurt my sister I'll have no choice but to fight you." Neil laughed as Todd got ready for the date he promised you. "I won't hurt her!" Todd defended putting his coat on. "Take care of her!" Neil shouted as Todd left the room and to where you were. "Hey (Y/n)!" He smiled jogging to your side, you smiled at him. "Todd! Hey! I hope my brother didn't give you too much trouble. He could be a little annoying." You laughed as he shook his head. "Just normal big brother talk, don't worry." He smiled leading you outside. You walked for a while before standing outside of a dinner. "Fancy I see." You giggled entering and sitting. "Want to share a milkshake?" You asked as Todd's face turned red. "Oh, sure." He smiled.

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