Richard Cameron Catch Up!!!

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Requests are open!! I decided to add Cameron bc why not! :) you can now make requests for him!! <3

How You Meet:
You and Richard were family friends, although you two never really talked to one another. That's until you were invited to a party that Cameron also was attending and because you didn't know anyone but him you talked to him.

Becoming Friends:
Being friends with someone that goes to boarding school isn't the easiest thing ever but you manage. You even convinced him to sneak out his school to go and see you, he was hesitant but ended up doing it anyways.

He Asks You On A Date:
You and Cameron had grown extremely close to your parents pleasure. It almost was pressure for you two to start dating. Even though it was "expected" you didn't mind in fact you loved the idea of going on a date with Cameron, he is funny behind that smart arse look.

The Date:
Cameron went all out with the date, he took you to two different spots one was about thirty minutes away from where you two were. You didn't mind it at all, you loved sharing a bike with him and talking about the adventures you and him wanted to go on. He took you to a field of sunflowers and a beautiful river and then took you to a fair in the next town.

Sneaking Out:
You really wanted to see Cameron, it had been a few weeks since the last time you saw him. You sent him a letter because he wasn't allowed a personal cell phone at the school. You wrote to tell him to call you when he could. Your phone rang as you eagerly hit the green button, "are you okay?!" A very concerned Cameron asked, "Yes! I just missed you, sneak out yeah?" You asked a little to eagerly as you facepalmed and slightly cringed. "Um... I'll see if I can," he whispered back. You grinned, "I'll wait for you outside your school." You hung up before he could answer as you got dressed in your best outfit before sneaking out yourself. He did end up arriving although twenty minutes after.

He Asks You To Be His Partner:
Cameron nervously fidgeted with the bracelet/necklace/ring he bought for you. He sighed deeply before knocking on your front door. You opened it and smiled seeing his freckled face. "Hey, what's up?" You asked as he fidgeted with the box the jewelry was in. "I- I uh... Well, I came here to ask something..." He took a deep sigh gave himself a five second pep talk before taking out the box, "I wanted to ask if you'd like to be my partner, you know... romantically?" He gave you a shy grin as your eyes widen and you grinned bringing him in for a tight hug. "Yes! Oh gosh yes!" You shouted.

He Meets Your Friends:
You and him were walking around the shopping center your hands were full of bags that consisted of Vinyls, clothes, stuffed animals, etc. That's when you ran into your friends, who were also at the shopping center (don't worry you let them know you couldn't hangout because you were with Cameron). "Jessi! Astrid! Kim! Hey!" You smiled bringing them all for a hug. "This is Cameron, or Richard," you smiled as Cameron waved. "He is a lot more good looking then what you described," Astrid giggled shaking his hand, "the names Astrid," the rest introduced themselves before you and Cameron walked away.

You Meet His Friends:
Cameron invited you to a "Dead Poets Society" meeting, whatever that maybe. It was in a cave deep in the woods, you were scared of your shoes. But you made your way to where he said the cave was, but Cameron wasn't so good with directions and you got lost a bit before finding your way to the cave hearing yelling and laughter. "They are real! And they'll be here any second!" Cameron shouted you raised an eyebrow. "Yeah you're imaginary partner? Come off it Cameron and 'fess up, you made it up!" Another voice shouted. You popped your head in. You stepped away from the shadows as the seven boys stared at you. "Hi?" You said waving awkwardly as they all stared amazed. "Guys! This is (Y/n)! My partner," he said glaring at the boy who was standing with his mouth open. Safe to say they loved you but questioned you a lot.

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