Steven Meeks (gender non specific)

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Unrequited Love

You and Meeks had been best friends for so long, you couldn't recall a time when he wasn't there for you.

You hated to admit but you started to develop feelings for him, your poor attempts to suppress the feelings never worked.

He'd smile and boom you would fall in love with him all over again. He'd give that signature smile and again you'd be in love. Any sort of attention or appreciation from him and the feelings would come back.

You didn't want to tell him, you feared he didn't feel the same way. There were many reason he probably didn't like you in the way that you did.

You often complained to Charlie who would either tell you to "confess already" or completely ignore you and just let you talk. You appreciated that he would still let you complain regardless.

"Just tell him, what's the worse that could happen? Besides, you still have me!" Charlie grinned and you rolled your eyes looking down.

"I don't know Charles, we have been friends for so long. It'll just ruin everything." You complained fidgeting.

"Write him a note like the high school girls do, you know? The ones that you have to check yes or no." He grinned and you rolled your eyes.

"Not a bad idea, if things go wrong I'll fight you Dalton." You laughed grabbing a piece of paper writing down a small note.

"Maybe get Todd to write you a poem, I heard you pay him 5 bucks and he'll get you a poem for anyone." Charlie commented looking at his nails.

"That's right! Give me some money I'll pay you back," you extended your hand and he scoffed grabbing $5 from his pockets handing it to you.

"Pay me back!" He shouted before you went on your search for Todd Anderson who was in his dorm with Neil.

"Toddy!" You smiled walking in sitting next to him.

"(Y/n) what's up?" He smiled,

"A little birdie told me you're really good at poetry," you grinned and he raised an eyebrow. "Write one for me I'll pay you."

"Um, okay? About who?" He asked and you blushed hesitant to answer.

"Meeks," you whispered into his ear and he grinned.

"No?" He grinned shaking his head and you nodded your head. "What's your favorite thing about him?"

"Glasses, hair, eyes..." You sighed dreamily grinning.

Todd chuckled, "Okay there Romeo, I'll have the poem ready tomorrow." He smiled and you nodded.

"Thanks so much Toddy, bye Neil!" You smiled walking out and back to your dorm.

"Did he agree?" Charlie asked and you nodded. "Brilliant,"

"I'm really nervous, I don't know if Meeks will accept or if he'll say no..." You sighed flapping onto your bed.

Charlie rolled his eyes and sighed, "Oh to be in love. Good lucky (Y/n),"

"Thanks Charles."

The next morning was a Saturday, Todd knocked on your door before going inside.

"I got your poem, good luck," he smiled handing you the envelope, you thanked him and he left.

"Go tell him now!" Charlie grinned and you shook your head.

"Come with me Dalton!" You shouted grabbing his hand walking out.

"Why do I have to come?" He groaned.

"Because, emotional support you're my best friend," you grinned. He walked besides you as you two walked to Meeks dorm room.

Charlie knocked on Meeks dorm room door,

"Who is it?!" Meeks shouted before opening the door. He grinned when he saw it was you two, "come in."

"Morning Meeks, morning Pitts," you smiled and they smiled back. Pitts was still in bed but smiled back with his messy bed hair and still under the covers.

"Um, you see I," you nervously said, Charlie rolled his eyes and grinned. "I- I wanted to give you this." You handed him the envelope before running out of the room, Charlie said goodbye and walked out.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted making you stop and nervously look at him. "Why'd you run out like that!"

"I got nervous, I would like to be rejected in the company of my own room," you sighed and he shook his head.

"You don't even know if you've been rejected or not," he shook his head, You two began to walk back to your dorm entering.

You flopped on the desk chair, Charlie sat on your bed before you two heard a knock. Meeks peaked his head and you blushed turning away.

"Can we um... talk?" He asked nervously, Charlie grinned.

"Um, sure." You said getting up and walking out the room, he fidgeted with his fingers. You began to get nervous, your palms began to sweat.

"Look, you're a great and all. You're a really cool person and I love our friendship-"

"Friendship... You don't like me back, that's okay," you sighed and he gave you an awkward smile.

"I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, I really like where we are right now..." You nodded before heading back inside.

Charlie saw your expression and sat up, "You okay?" He asked and you shrugged sitting down on your chair.

"Yeah, I guess..." You whispered pulling out your notebook and your Chemistry textbook. The rest of the morning was spent in silence as you softly cried to yourself and attempted to finish your homework.

Chemistry was never your best subject, Meeks was the only reason why you were passing the class and now you don't know if you even want to face him again.

Lunch rolled around as you and Charlie walked to the lunch room sitting next to Neil and Todd who were talking to Cameron and Knox.

"How did it go?" Todd whispered and Charlie shook his head.

"Not good, (Y/n) was rejected," Todd sighed and nodded.

"Be strong you'll be fine." Steven and Pitts arrived soon after sitting next to Knox and Cameron. A weird tension filled the room as the conversation died down. No one spoke, Knox gave a look to Neil who gave him another look, it was like they were communicating telepathically.

You avoided Meeks and Meeks avoided you, you were close to failing Chemistry but you were saved by Cameron who helped you. It was a huge mess that wasn't resolved until the next year.

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