Charlie/reader (platonic)

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(this was a request! sorry it's short!!)

You were a small country girl whose parents suddenly became wealthy. Becoming wealthy meant you and your three brothers got a better education at one of the best Preparatory schools, Welton.

Being the new kids were never easy for you, you hated being in crowds and around new people. Your brothers on the other hand adored making friends and more if those friends could potentially make them wealthier.

You loved Math and English so becoming a Math tutor was just something you always enjoyed, helping other succeed in something you loved always made you feel better.

That's when Welton's famous flirt, Charlie Dalton came into the picture. You thought he was one of the funniest people at Weton, you of course didn't know how anyone could fall for his charms, he was okay.

That's when he started to just ask to hang out with you outside of tutoring. You agreed seeing as other then tutoring you had nothing else to do.

You adored his friends and loved their quirkiness and how unique they all were. You were too shy to join in most of their crazy adventures until they formed a secret society and snuck out ever night to a cave.

You at first thought they were going to murder you, but knowing that Todd couldn't even hurt a fly gave you comfort.

You enjoyed the crazy company of the Dead Poets, and all their weird ways of thinking.

Charlie being one of the most out there and Cameron being the most reserved. Charlie came up with the weirdest midnight adventures and Cameron always tried to tone him down, of course with no success.

You liked Cameron, he was a bit stuck up but you tried to understand. His dad was a famous lawyer and therefore put a lot of pressure on him to be even better then everyone else.

Being with the Poets meant having to get artsy and come up with poems. Although you didn't think you were a good poet and instead preferred writing stories. The poets always seemed to enjoy when it was your turn to read poetry commenting on how amazing your voice is.

Graduation was one of the hardest things to do, saying  goodbye was a painful experience. But you knew they were on their way to do amazing things mostly Todd.

Cameron and Meeks went off to Harvard while you, Charlie and Todd went to the states University. The rest went to different state universities to accomplish all their dreams.

Seven years passed since Welton and you and the rest of the poets decided to do a small reunion at Charlie's place to celebrate the first publishing of one of Todd's books and to celebrate the first tour of Neil's play.

Everyone was successful and happy.

The way everything started off with tutoring and Math always surprised you. You always wondered where you'd be now if you had told Charlie no or if you never accepted to be a Math tutor.

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