(head cannon)How Living With Them Would Be Like

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Charlie Dalton: Charlie is the type of person who regardless of any plans would stay up until 3 in the morning. Therefore keeping you up until then too, he wouldn't do anything except nit or maybe even force you to play a board game with him. But, the plus side to it is that he has all the streaming services you could imagine.

Chris Noel: Chris is a neat and organized person and you on the other hand are a messy unorganized individual. You knew were everything was in the mess you had so there was no real issue for you. Except Chris liked to have everything where it should be.

Gerard Pitts: Pitts is an amazing roomie to have, he has streaming services, he knows how to cook, he goes to sleep on time. The only issue is he snores loud, a little too loud. He moves around and even sometimes would talk in his sleep. You didn't mind too much, thats until he started to spread out like a star and took up all the bed.

Knox Overstreet: Knox like the king he is had a 10 step skin care routine. He loved to wash his face twice a day every three weeks. You didn't understand why he'd do that. He also had a routine of watching a show before bed, you couldn't stand it.

Neil Perry: Neil Perry is a sleepless being. He loved to stay up and make a three course meal. You loved Neil to death but you just wanted to sleep. Neil never understood the point of sleeping when you could be awake and alive.

Richard Cameron: Richard is a very down to earth kind of guy. But when you began living with him you saw the way he really was. He is unorganized and sometimes even messy. You had to remind him to wear his glasses and even had to remind him where he left his keys.

Steven Meeks: Steven had a routine for his day to day life. He liked to have breakfast at 8 which meant he had to wake up at 7 which meant he'd have to be asleep by 9. You on the other hand were like a vampire, you slept at day and were awake at night. That caused a lot of problems the first month you moved in.

Todd Anderson: Todd is your average kinda guy, you noticed quickly that he had a small routine to keep him sane. He liked to read before he went to sleep which you thought was adorable. That's until he started to play ocean noise to help him fall asleep. You asked why but all he could say was, "I don't know".

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