Steven Meeks (she/her pronouns)

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You've been going to Welton since freshman year

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You've been going to Welton since freshman year. You became really close to Meeks and to Neil. You loved being around Neil and you loved being with Meeks. Your friends began to "compete" on who you would end up dating.

"Girls! Snap to your senses! They're my friends, nothing more." You said rolling your eyes as they giggled.

"I think she's going to end up with Neil, they make such a hot couple." Your friend Clarissa said winking at you.

"I think she'll date Meeks! He is such a funny guy." Your friend Molly said as Clarissa scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not dating either one of them." You mumbled. But deep down, you really wanted to be with Meeks. Yeah, Neil is a great guy but not your type, Meeks is more your type.

You walked away from the group of gossiping girls as you walked towards Meeks who was with his best friend Pitts.

"Hey Steven." You smiled waving at him as he waved back. "What are you up to?"

"Pitts and I are trying to make a radio." Meeks smiled as Pitts nodded.

"Sounds like a blast, can I join?" You asked as Pitts looked at Meeks.

"Oh, yeah! Definitely could use an extra set of hands." Meeks smiled.

"Yeah, small hands to." Pitts joked as you laughed.

"They're not that small."

You, Meeks, and Pitts spent around an hour trying to build it.

"Alright fellas, I should get going now." You said looking at your watch before standing up.

"Bye, see you tomorrow yeah?" Meeks said standing up with you.

"Yes, same time tomorrow." You smiled waving goodbye leaving Meeks and Pitts by themselves.

"You're so obvious." Meeks joked going back to the radio in front of him.

"Obvious?" Meeks questioned sitting back down and working on the radio.

"You like her. The way you were explaining and stuttering and being an idiot." Pitts rolled his eyes as Meeks blushed.

"W-What? No! She's way out of my league. I'd have to be a moron to try." He grumbled giving up on the radio.

Pitts got up and walked towards the door, Meeks following him.

"It's obvious, you definitely should at least try to go on at least one date with her." Pitts said climbing up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

"No, she's like cool and popular and pretty and way out of my league..." Meeks looked down at the floor causing Pitts to scoff.

"Open the door Casanova." Pitts joked, Meeks opened the door and Pitts put down the radio on the desk before laying in bed.

"Should I really try? Should I grow the balls and ask her on a date?" Meeks said looking at the ceiling.

"Steven. Good lord. If you like her then ask her. The worse that could happen is rejection." Pitts said dramatically.

"You're right, our whole friendship isn't at risk here." Meeks grumbling flopping on his bed, his head on the pillow.

"Just do it Meeks, if she rejects you then at least you could say you tried."

The next morning Meeks and Pitts got ready, Gerard gave Meeks a pep talk to hype him up.

Pitts and Meeks walked down the stairs and towards the lunch room where Meeks saw you walking by yourself.

"Ask her now Romeo." Pitts shoved Meeks towards you, he stumbled slightly towards you.

"H-Hey (Y/n)." He smiled scaring you slightly.

"Morning Steven, what's up?" You said as he nervously fidgeted with his fingers.

"I-I will just want to know, you see. I just want to know if you would like to go on a date." He blushed a dark shade of red as you smiled.

"Who else is going?" You asked as he turned and looked at you. "Joking." You laughed as he chuckled.

"I'll pick you up at around 5pm, meet me at your dorm." He smiled hugging you before walking back to Pitts high fiving him happily.

You smiled as your friends approached you.

"Told you she was going to date Meeks, it was so obvious her type is the dorky virgins." Your friend joked as your face heated up.

"Shut up."

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