Todd Anderson/Fem!Reader

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TW/CW: Reader is on her period/talk of blood/ she/her pronouns are used!
of course this is one of the plots that are set in the 50s bcs yk i just do it thag way sometimes. There is 0 shame in being a menstruating person! But in the 50s that was a different story! So that will be shown here in the story of course if wanted I could do a similar story but have it be modern!
You sat at the library, you were studying for an upcoming exam in Trig. You took in a deep breath when it was announced that it was lights out.

You stood up when a rush of something went down. Your heart dropped when you realized that your menstrual cycle started. Your eyes widened as you checked the chair for a sign of a stain.

You sighed in relief when you saw nothing. You groaned before deciding to deal with this later. Your period usually was tamed and not at all messy. If you could get a pad from your roommate everything will be better.

Walking up the stairs the uncomfortableness of the feeling bugged you.

"Please, not right now." You cried as you rushed up the steps and into your dorm room.

Your roommate gave you a confused look as you began searching all your things for anything!

"What's going on?" Your roomie asked as you nervously sighed.

"I just started the curse," you whispered here eyes widened. "I can't find anything!"

"I have like one extra in my closet hidden behind my clothes!" She quickly got up and began to search her closet.

She found it and handed it to you with a gleeful smile.

"A life savor!" You hugged her before quietly and quickly walking out of your room and into the ladies restroom.

After the whole fiasco was over you decided to turn in for the night. Getting into your nightclothes you shut down for the night.

The worry of what you're going to do with your problem haunting you.

The next morning you woke up with the absolute worst cramp humanly possible.

You held your stomach as you began to softly sobbed.

"You alright?" Your roomie asked as you shook your head. "Want me to go to the nurse? I can ask for some medication?"

"Could you? I have to get up for this stupid Trig exam," you deeply sighed the realization that you would have to put up with this horrible sensation all day.

Your roommate quickly rushed to get some medication, anything would be helpful.

She came back in with a Tylenol and a cup of water. "This is all she would give me."

You gave her an appreciative smile before taking them. "I just hope this keeps me alive for at least the rest of the day."

Sighing you got up and the rush of blood came down as you held your stomach.

"I wish they did more to help the menstruating population of Welton." Your roommate sighed as you two began the journey to class.

"Ha! Welton doesn't care about us. We are only here because the parents insisted the girls get the same education as the boys," you mumbled.

"Hey!" The cheery voice of none other then your boyfriend Todd Anderson smiled as he approached you.

"Hey! Good morning Todd," you smiled as he hugged you.

"You okay?" He asked and you shrugged.

"Just some personal problems, no biggie," you laughed as a terrible cramp began. You had to hold the smile so he wouldn't notice.

"You sure? You look like you could use a cig," he laughed.

"She said she was fine Todd, now stop insisting!" Your roomie shouted angrily.

"Oh..." Todd awkwardly smiled as the walk to Trig was silent and tense.
Class was over as you survived day one of your cycle.

"It wasn't that bad!" You smiled as a cramp began. You groaned in pain as you and your roommate walked to the dorm room.

"You looked like you were in awful pain the entire time." Your roommate said and you rolled your eyes.

"Probably because I was in absolute pain," you mumbled as you two entered the dorm room. "I don't even know if I have the energy for any studying or doing any homework!"

"You should rest, maybe I could go get another Tylenol from the nurse," she smiled as you shook your head.

"I'm just going to take a quick nap to sleep away the pain." You mumbled as you got into bed and shut off for the night.

You woke up the next morning, day two of your cycle to the most excruciating pain you have ever felt. It felt like knives were being impaled onto your stomach.

"You okay?!" Your roommate asked as she rushed to your side. You shook your head quickly.

"Tylenol will not help this," you cried hugging yourself tighter as the pain increased.

"You have to stay in bed!" Your roommate said as she looked at you.

"I-I can't! I have to go to class!" You groaned as you kept your eyes shut.

"Please, I will explain to the nurse and see if she can do anything about this." Your roommate rushed out the room as you laid there holding your stomach.

You heard a knock before someone entered.

"You okay?" The sweet voice of Todd Anderson whispered. "I just saw Gregoria rush out the room."

"I'm swell! Just not feeling my best!" You tried your best to keep a happy smile on your face as you turned to look at him.

"You don't look amazing..." He whispered as he crouched besides you. He felt your forehead, "it isn't fever."

"Todd, darling, you'll be late for class if you don't rush over there right now." You mumbled facing him.

"I'd much rather stick by your side then go to class." He smiled.

In that moment your roommate barged in, "The nurse said she'll talk to the professors and suggested that you stay in bed!" Her expression dropped when she saw Todd.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked and Gregoria shook her head refusing to say.

"Todd, I'm on my period and the cramps are seriously killing me," you whispered holding his hand. His dace went bright red as he nodded his head in understanding.

"My mom takes this tea when she was you know.. on her period." He smiled as he caressed your hair. "I can sneak and make you a cup of it."

"That would be lovely, I'm staying in bed all day." You laughed as you turned and looked at him caressing his cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss.

"Well, I guess this is the que for me to go to class. I'll share my notes for each class... For both of you of course." She smiled before excusing herself.

"You really don't have to stay here, you still have time to be in class..." You whispered even though you hoped he would refuse and stay by your side.

"Nonsense, I can't leave my girlfriend to lay by herself in pain," he laughed as he kissed you again.

"You're so lovely Todd," you whispered bringing him in for another lovely kiss.

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