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TW/CW: Swearing and mentions of abuse

Charlie Dalton: Charlie and you bickered a lot, dumb stuff that you two would usually resolve around two seconds after. This time it was much different, you wanted him to see you in a play but he was hours late. "You couldn't make time?" You exclaimed as he once again apologized. "(Y/n)! Sweet heart! I already explained. My father wouldn't let me out the house!" He exclaimed again as you angrily shut the door in his face before crying to yourself. "(Y/n)! Please! Talk to me!" He shouted.

Gerard Pitts: You hated to argue, mostly with Pitts. You grew up in an environment where screaming and hitting were normal and that one thing you didn't want to bring into your relationship. But Pitts had forgotten the date you had planned out, again. Instead of confronting Gerard about it you just cried to yourself silently.

Knox Overstreet: Knox seemed to be so annoying sometimes. You loved the man to death but he was always down your throat wanting to know everything. You loved him and wanted to talk to him all night if you could but space was needed for things to work out. "Knox! Please! Can't I do just ONE thing without you being down my throat about it?" You asked, coming off more rude then you intended.

Neil Perry: Neil and you sharing a passion for the arts made for a lot of interesting arguments. You argued about how one of the characters should've ended up with the main girl but he argued that the other one should've ended with the main girl. "She's obviously a lesbian!" He exclaimed pointing at the book as you rolled your eyes.

Steven Meeks: Arguments usually blew over within minutes with you and Meeks. Seeing eye to eye was great but sometimes you wanted to just have a different opinion on at least one thing. "Purple is the better colour." He argued. Again, talking about the radio he and Pitts were making. "I think red, it'll attract more people."

Todd Anderson: Todd absolutely hated arguments and if things were ever to reach that point he would make amends and either leave or apologize. You loved him dearly but sometimes you just had so much steam left over from any arguments that you would walk out of your own dorm room to walk by yourself. You didn't want to scare Todd away, your mom being a hot headed bitch made you the way you are.

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