Chapter 27

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The class monitor gripped Li Jingwen’s neck tightly, looking tenacious.

Chen Huihui panicked: “Class monitor, class monitor, what are you doing! You and Wenwen are good friends!”

The class monitor was the most lively, cheerful, and responsible girl in class. She gets along with Li Jingwen and was a friend to her, as their personalities complement each other. They often exchanged study techniques.

Class monitor sneered: “Who is her friend? I can’t get used to seeing her after so long! Every exam, she is a little higher than me, I can’t wait for her to die immediately!”

The class monitor’s academic performance was very good, but she was always slightly lower than Li Jingwen, who was the study committee head, every time.

Every time.

Their classmates often teased her, “The class monitor’s grades are average, the third in the class for ten thousand years.”

The class monitor never paid attention to this kind of remarks, and even followed them up with jokes. Who would have thought that her inner jealousy would be like this?

Chen Huihui stood her ground: “Yes, but Xie Chian is always one place higher than Wenwen, and Wenwen didn’t want to kill him either!”

Chen Huihui, an average student in the middle of the class, didn’t quite understand how someone would kill just because of the exam ranking. And what’s with the conflict between the second and third place? Xie Chian was the number one in ten thousand years, shouldn’t there be more hatred?

Class monitor said angrily: “Xie Chian can be ahead of her more than 30 points each time! What about her? Every time it is 0.5 points higher than me! Can this be the same?!”

When a person was so far ahead that he was beyond your reach, you can only admire it. But when a person was similar to you in all aspects but was always better than you, over the years, it will turn into an unsolvable jealousy.

Chen Huihui: “…” She didn’t understand the world of high school students very well. Anyway, she thought that the exams 650 and 680 were the same, neither of which can be achieved by her 500 or so leftover grades.

Li Jingwen was about to be strangled to death. Chen Huihui wanted to drag the class monitor, but the class monitor was determined to kill Li Jingwen that her strength was not normal. Chen Huihui didn’t want to turn into a hopeless person, but she turned distraught. She was in a daze. Then suddenly, she caught a glimpse of Qian Fu, who was staring straight at her moodily from the corner of her eyes, as if thinking about how he will start…

Chen Huihui screamed, ignoring Li Jingwen, and ran out of the classroom.


Running like the wind.

Liang Yifei was nearly dragged to death by Xie Chian: “Xie-ge, Xie-ge, we.. where are we going?”

Xie Chian randomly found an empty classroom. He went in with Liang Yifei and locked the door: “No one here, let’s stay here for now.”

It was not safe outside.

As soon as he closed the door, Liang Yifei panted heavily while paralyzed on the ground. He couldn’t speak for quite a while.

Xie Chian began to inspect the room.

This was an art classroom. There was a stack of art books on the podium. Xie Chian turned them over and saw a utility knife underneath.

Xie Chian quietly put the utility knife in his pocket.

There was an easel in the center of the classroom. The paint was scattered on the ground, messy. There was an unfinished painting on the shelf.

The painting used warm colors. The blue sky was shrouded by golden sunlight, and the ground was stretched for a thousand miles away. The splattered sunflowers stretched out, their faces greeting with a smile, and opened brightly and full of life.

Liang Yifei eased his breath. He looked at the painting closer and exclaimed, “It’s so beautiful.”

In this repressive and terrifying environment, suddenly seeing such a painting full of warmth and hope, even his mood seemed to improve a bit.

“The person who painted this painting must be a person with a very warm heart, otherwise he wouldn’t paint something so contagious,” Liang Yifei didn’t have much artistic cell, but his level of appreciation was still adequate.

“Really?” Xie Chian stared at the painting, his eyes slightly deep.

“…but the sunflowers in this painting have their backs to the sun.”

When the direction had changed, the meaning became completely opposite.

Even if the sun was shining brightly on earth, all beings were happy, and everything was bright and radiant…

What did that have to do with that person?

The painter.

He was deep in the backlight. He was the shadow itself.

He was the unfinished part.

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