Chapter 95

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The bloody young man stood alone. The expression in his eyes was covered by his long eyelashes, which made him look weak and vulnerable. His lips were like peach petals, with a hint of red. His facial expression was like snow, astonishingly beautiful.

He suddenly turned around and lifted his gaze slowly as he looked at Feng Ming.

With that glance, Feng Ming thought of a sentence.

"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

This was a famous quote from Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil." However, most people didn't know the previous sentence –

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

So, Xie Chian...

Have you become a monster?

Across the field, the gazes of Feng Ming and Xie Chian met.

Xie Chian looked at Feng Ming without any anger or hatred. Such calm eyes. It was just like looking at an insignificant stranger, rather than an enemy who almost killed him.

No, it's not that. That gaze wasn't someone looking at a stranger. Maybe other people would misunderstand, but Feng Ming was too clear with such eyes.

...That gaze was akin to watching the dead.

This recognition didn't only fail to make Feng Ming scared, it was actually quite the opposite – he felt very excited. He was looking forward to the consequences of angering a sleeping lion. Will he be slaughtered? Will he be torn into shreds? Will he be gobbled up directly into the stomach?

Feng Ming was indeed an out-and-out lunatic. In order to witness the transformation of an excellent hunter into perfection, he even made himself a prey.

He held the attitude of playing with life, including his own. He didn't care about anything. Didn't the broadcast also say that this was a game? This was a deadly escape game. He only needed to have fun and enjoy the game experience. What was the point of death?

Feng Ming's happiness was based on killing, but when the hunt becomes too challenging, he longed for the lion to kill the hunter.

In the shadows under the sun, the sunflower with its back turned against the sun smiled slowly. It was rooted in the soil watered by blood, hidden in the madness of Feng Ming.


Xie Chian stared at Feng Ming, completely ignoring the other dozen survivors looking at him.

Now, there were 22 people left on the field. Counted here were Xie Chian, Feng Ming, Ye Zeyu who hadn't recovered yet, Situ Yue who was looking at Feng Ming, and the remaining 18 people who were focused on Xie Chian.

Apparently, they had seen the battle just now, and all of them regarded Xie Chian as the biggest threat. Currently, Xie Chian looked bruised and exhausted. It stood to reason that this was the best time to attack him. However, these survivors were a little hesitant.

This was definitely not because they were soft-hearted. It's just that the 41 martyrs before them were already living examples. No, they couldn't be described as living – they were all dead... When they were just watching the battle, the onlookers clearly saw that Xie Chian was already showing signs of exhaustion. His movements weren't as agile as when he first started, which undoubtedly gave the opponent a lot of encouragement. But when the opponent really stepped forward, he would be killed cleanly by Xie Chian. At most, they would be adding another wound, but not to the extent of hitting his vital points.

After people went back and forth, the onlookers became numb.

Every time they felt that Xie Chian had reached his limit and had no resistance left, he could always kill another enemy to slap them in the face. He was obviously tired, but he never fell down. Even if his attacks became slow, he didn't reveal the slightest flaw. A saying could really be confirmed, with him as evidence – the potential of man was unlimited.

So even though Xie Chian seemed to be in a bad shape right now, they weren't sure whether he had any more strength left. No one dared to verify it because if a person went forward this moment, he would just become the next corpse lying on the ground.

Feng Ming and Xie Chian looked at each other. One had a smile with a hidden deep meaning, and the other had a lot of murderous intentions under the calmness.

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