Love letters

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This is a very short love letter story that I found really cute.

Kakashi's been having the feeling of being watched, he brushes it off but he got suspicious when
he was getting sent one love letter a day by an anonymous person. At first he was annoyed and threw
them away, thinking it was some girl.

But one day he read one and his heart absolutely melted.

   Every time I'm around you I feel such a pain in my chest, it's like something's telling
   Me to say something or do something I know you won't accept. My face becomes red
   And your touch alone gives me heart attacks! Your making me go insane, I found my
   Admiration of love and I'm never been agreeing with myself more. You make me feel
   Like a person Kakashi..

    Love anonymous <3

Kakashi, rereading all the letters and smiling at each one. He wants to meet the person or
write them a letter but he doesn't have the info or the strength to do it in person. Whoever
this girl is, their the first person to ever touch this boys heart.
Kakashi decides to find this persons house and write them a letter back. He could never confess
in person but he feels the need to let them know how many letters he's been keeping and digging
out his trash to find.

*Obito pov~ don't act surprised. You knew he was the one >:)*

Obito blushed as he wrote another love letter for the boy he admired most.

He sighed knowing Kakashi would never feel the same, his hope is to make Kakashi think he's
some girl that loves him and than reveal he's Obito. He hasn't found out the rest of his plan yet.

Obito leaned back on his chair. Was this the only way he could talk to his love? Obitos
eyes widened, he could make Kakashi a place to deliver a letter to him!

Obito started writing a letter, he felt like this one was way more important than any other
words he's ever wrote.

*back to Kakashi because... I can >:)*

Kakashi waited on a chair, looking at the door. He was waiting for his daily letter
when he thought of something.

"If their anonymous they don't want me knowing... so I should leave the
door alone and wait somewhere else.."

Kakashi stood but before he could walk away he heard the paper be shoved through the
mail slot in the door.

Kakashi immediately took the letter and opened it, blushing thinking about the fact his crush was
on the other side of that door.

   If you want to write me a letter... you can leave one by the training grounds, by the large tree
   With purple leaves. I'll come at 6 to see if you've left me a letter.. see you then.
   Love- anonymous

Kakashi couldn't smile more than he did right there. He checked the time, 4:00. He went
to his room and immediately grabbed a pen and paper.

"Should I write about wanting to meet them? Probably not... too soon.. maybe i
should write about how the letters make me feel? Maybe.. I don't want to sound too
desperate to meet them but I'm dying to."

Kakashi clenched his pen in his hand and started writing with a large blush on his face. His heart
beating with every word he wrote.

Kakashi walked to the tree, letter hung close to his heart. He placed it by the tree truck and sat
down holding his knees to his chest.

"Am I really doing this? Maybe I should not... I should leave... it's already six"

Kakashi was about to stand but stopped as he thought of something.
"What if this is all a prank..?" Kakashi's heart stopped "no... if it was I might just
never come out my house.. I would be miserable!" Kakashi shut his eyes tight and ignored
that fact.

*obito pov~~*

Obito watched with his heart beating as Kakashi walked away looking nervous.

Maybe his letters worked! Like hell they actually worked.. only in his dreams.

Obito jumped down once the coast was clear and grabbed the letter, his heart skipping
a beat.

    I wanted to say how much I love your letters... Whenever I read them it's like
    My true love is giving me a reason to live every day! I so want to meet you but
    Only if your comfortable. Your letters make me very happy and warm me up.
     I've never met someone so caring and honest as you... I may actually be catching
     Feelings for you.

      Love Kakashi

Obitos felt his heart warm as he fell to his knees. Reading this gave Obito a sure way to
identify that his true love actually likes him back! He was so excited and made a plan
to tell Kakashi as soon as possible, he needed him to know now.

*Kakashi pov, a few days later*

The letters came in two every day which made Kakashi very happy. He loved this persons
writing and their feelings.

As Kakashi was going to reread the very small stack of love letters on his bedside table, he
heard a knock on the door.

Kakashi got excited, thinking that these were his letters since they haven't come
today. Kakashi came to the door but his smile disappeared entirely as he looked
At Obito.

"What do you want Obito" Kakashi said, disappointed that his letters
weren't there.

"I-I.. wanted to hand deliver these by hand this time" Obito said smiling as he pulled out three letters
and a bouquet of flowers.

"What?" Kakashi said as he took the gifts "what do you mean...?" Kakashi looked at Obito confused.

"I..." "come one Obito! Just say it!" Obito desperately tried to say it but he couldn't.

"Wait... are you the anony-"

"I have been writing the letters Bakashi... and I've been meaning every word I write" Obito
looked back at Kakashi who was surprised. "I'm sorry I'm no cute girl or a girl at all-"

"Your better than a girl Obito, better than anyone I've ever met" Kakashi stepped closer
to Obito "thank you, you've made me feel like a person" he hugged Obito tightly
and blushed.

Obito was surprised but felt so relieved after Kakashi finally telling him how he felt.
"Oh my god.. I'm so glad that's over" Obito hugged Kakashi.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi laughed as he looked at Obito.

"Im so glad the whole... confession thing is out the way... I think I was having a full on
heart attack!" Obito pulled back was a blush.

Kakashi giggled at Obito "well I'm glad I know my adorable anonymous" he kissed
him on the cheek and smiled.

"I love you Bakashi" Obito smiled.

"I love you too Obito"

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