A little too helpful..

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Obito scrolled on his phone, he shifted uncomfortably in his bed. He had been wondering
about Kakashi recently. The silverette has been coming home later and later everyday.

Obito decided to get up, walk out the house, and find the hatake. If Kakashi wasn't
gonna tell him why he was coming home so late, he would find out for himself.

Obito searched around the leaf, looking in places he knew Kakashi spent time in. His house,
the graveyard, hokages office, even the bookstore but he couldn't find him.

He was walking down the street, thinking of other places he could find Kakashi, when he
saw the boy talking to someone.

Obito quickly hid behind a bush and watched Kakashi from afar. It wasn't creepy or
anything... obito thought.

"Thank you for the help Hatake!" A young woman thanked him.

"No problem. I still have so many others so I'll see you later" Kakashi waved and ran
off to god knows where.

Obito ran up to the woman who was cradling a baby in her arms.

"Excuse me miss... why was Kakashi here?" Obito asked as he stood in front what appeared
to be the woman's house.

"Oh, Hatake was helping me babysit and get food! My husbands out working so I'm
glad he was here at least" she smiled.

Obitos eyebrows shot up "he's helping people!?" Obito wondered.

"Anything else?" She asked.

Obito respectfully declined and ran off to where he last saw Kakashi.
"What is that boy up to!" Obito wondered.

Obito followed Kakashi all day around the village. Helping kids, adults, Jonin, or
mothers who needed a break. Obito wondered how and why Kakashi was doing this.

He sat in a comfortable flower bed as Kakashi helped a grandmother water a sh$t load of
plants. Obito was honestly surprised of how Kakashi managed to keep a smile, that woman
had wayyyy to many plants.

Once Kakashi was done, he waved to the lady and walked out into the street. Without
payment! Obito was wondering why he even did all this without the people paying a penny!

Once Kakashi arrived home, midnight to be exact. Obito hopped though a window and
waited for him to come to bed. Once he walked into the room, Obito stood
there with his arms folded.

"Where have you been?" Obito asked his lover with a confused face.

"Uh... somewhere.." Kakashi looked down.

Obito sighed "why are you so private about helping the village.. why are you
doing it without even any payment!?" Obito asked frustrated "it doesn't make sense"

Kakashi looked away "ever since my father died, the village has feared me... god knows
why" Kakashi shrugged "I wanted to show them that I am a person and someone they can

Obito looked down at Kakashi, a new perspective. He was helping them to prove a point?
Obito sighed.

"Your overworking yourself.. you train all morning, help the entire village for hours, then come
home at 4 am for only two hours of sleep just to get up! It's unhealthy honestly" Obito felt
Kakashi's face "you need to relax"

Kakashi looked down "why.. I don't see an issue"

"You don't see a issue with not spending any time with me! I'm dying of attention shortage"
Obito wined.

Kakashi laughed "fine.. I'll take off a few days.." he hugged Obito "only for your
oh so desired attention" he rolled his eyes.

"It took alll that.. just to get you to sleep!" Obito shouted.

Kakashi smiled and nodded his head.


"Where's Kakashi? He's usually never late.." Minato said as he questioned his two students.

"Maybe he's sick?" Rin asked.

Obito sighed and shook his head "let's just let him rest.. trust me, he needs it" he

"What do you mean Obito?" Rin asked the raven.

"He's gotten a bit too helpful lately" Obito giggled.

Obikaka ( one shots )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon