My prince of love part 2!!

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I've decided to make this a longer part, don't want to drag
on the story for five chapters Huh?

This will be mostly fluff, and some angst. By the end there
is a little angst but it's mostly fluff!

Enjoy! <3 (btw love you!)

Obito sat down on the grass, going through the small bag
he brought. It was just yesterday that he had met Kakashi, and
he already is ecstatic to see him again.

He went through the bag, grabbing the blue berry muffin he bought
and started to eat, looking up at the sun as he did.

He heard someone behind him, quite alarmed he turned around to
see Kakashi, raising his eyebrow.

Obito reached into the bag and brought out another muffin, offering
it to him "sorry its probably not like the grommet things you get
in the castle, but it's quite good" he smiled.

Kakashi sat down, taking the muffin. He was hesitant but ate it. Obito
was looking at the sun but when he looked back, it was already gone. He
mentally beat himself in the head, why didn't he look to see
the princes face!?

Kakashi smiled, his cheeks quite red "thank you, it was actually
quite good" he said, blushing from the sweetness of the

Obito smiled, oh well, maybe next time he'll see his face.
He started a small conversation with the prince, soon morphing
the conversation into his life.

"Can you tell me about your family, I want to hear about
them" he smiled.

Obito looked away "um, sure. My dad was a knight who served
the king. He died in the war. My mother fell sick and I didn't have
enough money to get her treated, so she died. My sister needed
cash to support me, so she took a job as a maid, sending me money
through the mail" he said, taking a bite of his muffin.

Kakashi's eyes were wide "so.. you've been alone.?" He asked.

Obito nodded "it wasn't too bad, I had nature and animals. That
was about it. I had a friend once, turned out she tried killing
your brother so.. we didn't talk much after." He said, looking away.

Kakashi looked up at the sky "I couldn't imagine loosing everyone
in my family. How did you survive without talking to anyone?" He asked,
clearly surprised.

"I had my parents graves, but if I grew up alone, I might have gone
insane" he laughed "but I have you to talk to now, right my Prince" he
said, smiling.

Kakashi looked away "if you're gonna call me prince, why my prince? It
makes it sound weird" he laughed.

"What? Don't like it? Fine, I'll go back to calling you Kakashi" he smiled.

Kakashi looked back "I prefer my prince thank you" he said, his cheeks
growing in blush.


Kakashi listened to his brother ramble on.
"It's always Kakashi! Why!? He's your favorite isn't he father!" he yelled.

"No! I don't pick favorites my son! Trust me, I love both
of you very much-"

"I don't believe you! Than why do you make him the heir to
the thrown even if I'm older than him!" Sanji fake cried.

Kakashi just ate his food. It was always like this at dinner. Sanji would
scream his head off, and Sakumo would give him what he wants. Problem

"Okay! To prove it to you, I'll make you my heir, okay? You will
be given the thrown when I retire" he smiled.

Sanji stopped fake crying "thank you father" he said, shoving
food into his mouth.

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