Is gay okay?

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Um.. so to make up for not posting, I decided to make a long
story😭 yay... (this took forever and I want to die)

Ahem... @Valen_Pine

This stories TW🤩
Underage drinking
Parental neglect
Eating disorders
You know, the works🍿

I hope you enjoy! Oh! Btw, this is a modern au🥰

Kakashi had strict parents. But his mother was a little more accepting and soft, meanwhile
his father was homophobic and stern. Kakashi didn't want to fear his family but
it was kind of hard when they were Jewish and he was gay.

He found out he liked boys when he was very young. He passed it off as a phase
but it didn't go away like some disease. It stayed with him, haunting him like a jail
cell locking himself away from being honest with his family.

He's worked on being able to lie and be cautious when talking to his family, never
in his mind the idea of coming out presented itself.

He ignored his sexuality until it was an issue. Now that he was in middle school (12/13) he
was in a word, surrounded with males. Not in a weird way but it was hard to ignore he was
gay when his best friend was a cute boy and had to hide his flustered face behind a mask.

Kakashi slowly walked down the stairs, seeing his family preparing breakfast. He also
saw his younger sister, Sashi eating some toast.

"Good morning Kakashi. Would you like breakfast?" Kakashi's mom asked.

"Um.. no thanks.." Kakashi sat down next to his sister, he was only three years
older than her but she looked like she was ten years younger than him.

"Good. He doesn't need it." Kakashi's father walked out the room.

"You're the reason he has anorexia in the first place Sakumo.." Kakashi's mother
mumbled as she gave Sashi some jam with her toast.

"Mom it's not a big deal okay.." Kakashi looked at the time "I'll walk myself
to school.." Kakashi went to the door and put on his shoes and backpack.

"Alright honey.." Kakashis mother mumbled.

Kakashi opened the door to his house and left. He'd take any chance to get away
from his father but his mother and sister weren't that bad. He kinda hoped his mother
would get divorced already.

When he arrived at school, he met up with Obito. The only kid who knew about Kakashi's
home life. Sure he didn't know he was gay but he knew about his parents and father.

"Hey Kakashi" Obito wrapped his arm around Kakashis shoulder as they walked to
class "sooo I've been thinking about summer and-"

"Oh.. yeah, summer.." Kakashi thought. Since his 6th grade year was ending, he'd
have to spend the whole summer. With his family. No one else. Unless he went somewhere
else with Obito? But his dad will probably think Kakashi's dating him that way...

Kakashi didn't know why his dad was so against gay people. Kakashi was one himself
and he didn't feel like a demon. Would sleeping in the same bed as another boy be
bad? Maybe not?

"Kakashi! Are you listening!" Obito shook Kakashi.

"Huh?" Kakashi looked over at Obito.

"Geez man. You space out more than you actually talk to me! What are you
thinking about anyway?" Obito asked.

"Quick! Say something straight!" "Um... girls?"

"Oh. Who you thinking about~" Obito asked.

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