Beach trip!

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Managed to shove my phobia into this story ✌️😓

Rin fell down in the sand, feeling the hot ground below her. Minato had
decided they deserved a break from training so they all went to the beach.

"Rin do you know how dangerous that is! You could've just sat on an animal
hiding in the sand!" Kakashi shouted, far away from the beach.

"Get on the beach Kakashi! This is why your pale!" Obito yelled back.

"No! Beach's suck! I wanna go home!" Kakashi complained.

"Come on! Don't be a winer!" Obito shouted. Obito and Rin proceeded
by running into the water, throwing water on each other.

"Your both children!" Kakashi yelled, still on the parking lot.

"Get on the beach" Minato walked past Kakashi, grabbing his wrist
and leading him to the sand.

"Fine, but I'm not going in the water." Kakashi looked away.

"Whatever you say" Minato went over to the two genin getting out the water.

"Minato sensei it's hot!" Rin complained.

"Are you guys gonna complain all day or enjoy a well deserved break?" Minato
raised an eyebrow.

"Kakashi stop being a bonehead!" Obito insulted.

"What does that mean Obito. I want a full explication." Kakashi folded
his arms.

"...I don't know"


Kakashi hated two things. One, Obito. Two, beach's. And now, they were
together. In the one spot.

Kakashi decided to just sit down in the sand and not talk to anyone, until
they left that is.

"The silent treatment huh?" Obito commented, Rin and Minato throwing water
at each other in the background.

Kakashi didn't respond.

Obito sat down next to him on the sand "would you speak if I told you that the morning
sun shining on you makes you look like an absolute prince?" Obito teased.

Kakashi looked at Obito unamused "shut up." He looked away flustered.

"That wasn't a no" Obito laughed.

Kakashi wanted to smack him, but he didn't. As much as he hated Obito, he kinda
likes it when he compliments him.

"Would you go in the water with me if I gave you more compliments?" Obito unassumingly
raised his eyebrow.

Kakashi shook his head.

"Why! Why don't you like water!" Obito asked.

"Because I have Thalassophobia." Kakashi said coldly, probably a bit embarrassed.

"What's that?" Obito asked, genuinely stupidly.

"It's a fear of the ocean or large bodies of water. I know your not quite intelligent
but I figured you'd have an idea of this." Kakashi said, not wanting to
feel weak.

"Why are you scared of the ocean? It's just water"

"Endless water. Down dark. You could drown.. you don't know what's down
there" Kakashi visually shivered "terrifying.."

"It's not that bad!" Obito grabbed Kakashi's hands and ran into the water, Kakashi's
whole system shutting down.

He was in the water. He looked forward into the ocean, darkness.

He fell backwards, landing on his hands.

"You good?" Obito asked.

Kakashi's breathing grew faster "Obito! Get me out!" Kakashi shouted.

"It's just water" Obito said annoyed, he crouched down, Kakashi looking
up at him. "Just come slowly with me. Your not gonna drown" Obito reached
out his hand.

Kakashi hesitantly took it and stood up, not taking his eyes off the water.
"Is this a bad time to say I can't swim" Kakashi said, still staring at the liquid.
Half of their bodies were being shown above the water.

"Yes it's a bad time!" Obito sighed "just follow me"

Obito backed up, making sure to keep Kakashi steady. He got to a point where his
feet were no longer on the floor. When Kakashi stepped off and started floating in
the water, he looked a bit panicked.

Obito held Kakashi up, while keeping himself up as well.

"Stop looking down" Obito said, Kakashi's eyes reverting to the raven haired boy keeping
him from plummeting in the water.

Obito slowly went backwards with Kakashi, keeping Kakashi's gaze on himself.

"See, it's not too bad." Obito smiled.

Kakashi had to admit it, it was kinda nice. Not the ocean, but having Obito so close
to him, protecting him and trying to make him comfortable. Seeing Obitos efforts
made Kakashi blush, a lot.

"Want to go back?" Obito asked. Kakashi knew he couldn't be in the water
without Obito, so he just nodded.

As Obito led Kakashi back to the shore, he glanced down, seeing the endless darkness
below him, filling him with a bit of panic.

He looked up at Obito, back on the shore.

"Hey guys! Kakashi! Have fun?" Minato asked as he ran to the boys.

Kakashi folded his arms, looking quite distraught. "Uh.. somewhat.."

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