Love justus

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Rin is practicing a jutsu. That's all I'm going to say 💅

"Hey Rin what are you-" Kakashi was cut off by Rin accidentally hitting him
with her chakra hand signs.

"Kakashi!" She exclaimed as she watched Kakashi fall over.

"Huh?" Obito turned over his shoulder and immediately ran to Rin and Kakashi "what
happened Rin!?" He asked

"I-I accidentally hit him with a Justu..." she confessed.

"What Justu?!" He asked panicked.

"That's the thing... I messed up my medical training and hit him with something I
don't know!" She admitted.

"What!?" Obito exclaimed.

"Hm..." Kakashi opened his eyes to see Obito holding him.

"Are you okay Bakashi? What did she hit you with?"

Kakashi's face became red and his eyes became wide. "O-Obito..." Kakashi
said as he sat up holding Obitos arms.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Y-you..." Kakashi looked away "I just think your really adorable, and funny" Kakashi smiled
"Will you go out with me?" He asked blushing.

"What!?" Obito exclaimed.

"I'm getting Minato sensei!" Rin yelled.

*few minuets later*

"So... you hit him with those hand signs... and he's obsessed with Obito.." Minato

"Yes" Rin said sadly.

"Can we get Bakashi off me.." Obito stated, Kakashi was giving Obito a side hug.

"One minute Obito, Minato senseis thinking.." Rin said scared.

"It will ware off in a couple hours, just take care of him Obito. We don't know what else
effected him" Minato said happily.

"Me!?" Obito complained "why am I the one he's obsessed with! And why am I the one
who has to take care of him!".

"Well obviously, when he awoke you were the first person he saw. Marking you in his mind
as his lover I guess. And he's not going to separate from you so might as well get used to it" Minato

"Ugh.... Why me..." Obito said as he started walking home with Kakashi holding his hand.

"Where are we going?" He asked smiling.

"My house" Obito said annoyed.

"Why?" Kakashi wondered.

"Because this days already horrible and I just wanna go home" Obito explained.

"Can we cuddle when we get home Obi!" Kakashi wondered.

"Huh!? No!" Obito stated.

"Please..." Kakashi said giving him puppy eyes.

Obito felt his cheeks heat up "f-fine..." He agreed.

"Yay! Thanks obi!" Kakashi smiled.

"Im gonna regret this..."

Obito wore a annoyed expression as he pet Kakashi's hair, this was the first
time he's ever cuddled with someone and he personally loved it. He just didn't show

"Hey Obi?" Kakashi wondered.

"What?" Obito said looking at Kakashi who was on his lap.

"Why do you seem upset?" Kakashi wondered.

"..." Obito decided it was better to just play along until the time being "Im sorry
baby, I didn't mean to be so mean. I just really wanted to cuddle" Obito said with his
best lovey voice.

Kakashi turned around and cuddled into his chest "mkay!" He smiled as he
kissed Obitos cheek.

Obito felt many feelings in that moment love, warmth, confusion, and most importantly
want. He wanted this to be how Kakashi felt, he just didn't know why.

"I love you Obi!" Kakashi smiled.

"I love you too baby" Obito thought for a minute "might as well enjoy it
while I can...'"

Kakashi and Obito were in Obitos backyard when Kakashi asked Obito a question.

"Hey Obi?" Kakashi questioned.

"Hm? What?" Obito asked looking back at Kakashi.

"Can we dance?" Kakashi wondered.

Obito looked at the sun, it was going down. He knew he didn't have much time to
dance with Kakashi but he would make the most of this while he could.

Obito smiled and wrapped his arms around Kakashi "of course sunshine" he smiled.

Kakashi and Obito swayed back and fourth before Obito grabbed Kakashi's hands
and slowly danced with him. Obito felt amazing dancing with Kakashi, it was like his
last dance with his lover before they would be gone. And it was.

"Kakashi?" Obito asked as he picked up Kakashi and moved him to the ground
in a dancing motion

"Mhm!" Kakashi replied.

"I want you to know this..." Obito said worried.

"Yeah?" Kakashi wondered as Obito pulled him really close.

"I love you. With all my heart.. please never forget" Obito said as tears ran
down his face.

"I love you too Obito" Kakashi said softly.

"Obito?" Obito questioned "doesn't he call me Obi?"

"Why do you look so surprised?" Kakashi wondered.

"A-are you back?" Obito said holding his face excited.

Kakashi giggled as he held Obitos hand "of course! Sure, I don't know what
the hell is going on but I love you too Obito!" Kakashi smiled "one
minute I was talking with Rin and the next I'm dancing with you" He asked confused.

Obito laughed an hugged Kakashi "I love you too idiot.."

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