Its okay to be confused

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Pretty much... Obito is freaking out that he likes Kakashi and Minatos
helping him discover who he is and what he needs to do.
This is a short, sensei and student moment that you can add
to any story I guess🤷‍♀️

Obito sat crisscross on the grass, thinking about the last few weeks. He had been feeling
things around Kakashi that he would normally feel for Rin. He doesn't even see Rin as a attractive,
or a person he'd want to date!

"Whats wrong with me!?" Obito started to tear up "why am I like this?"

Obito felt a hand on his face, he looked up to see his trusted sensei.

"Why are you crying Obito?" Minato asked, sitting down in front of Obito.

"I just..." Obito looked down "I'm confused sensei" Obito explained.

"Why are you confused? You can tell me Obito" Minato smiled.

Obito breathed in "I've been feeling things around Kakashi.. whenever I'm with him
it's like my heart wants to explode! He's never looked so good! And I've been favoring my
time with him more than Rin! I've liked Rin for years Sensei! But I just feel..." Obito hesitated.

"Obito... are you in love with-"

"I think I'm in love with Kakashi" Obito looked at his sensei nervous "yes..."

"Obito" Minato smiled.

"But! But it's so wrong! It feels different! It's... confusing" Obito struggled to find the words.

"Obito... love comes in all different forms.. either you like someone or you don't. Love is unpredictable
and it's a wonderful thing. Don't ignore these feelings, embrace them. Trust me, Kakashi will not
think of you any different. Whether you like him or not" Minato grabbed Obitos shoulders and smiled.

Obito jumped into his senseis arms "that's just what I needed to hear... thank you" Obito cried happy

"Your welcome Obito..." Minato closed his eyes and smiled. "It's alright Obito.. it's
normal for you to be confused. Go ahead and cry, crying is okay"

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