Babysitting sucks

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"F#ck no!" Minato was taken aback by the two boys that screamed at him.

"Profanity!" Minato yelled

"Why can't Rin babysit him!? Why me and Kakashi!?" Obito yelled.

"Because! Rin is responsible! And you two need to learn responsibility" Minato
put his hands on his hips as he scolded the two boys.

"Sensei, I've lived on my own for most my life. I'm the last person who is irresponsible.
it's a surprise how I've even lived this long" Kakashi commented calmly.

"Your right. But you two need better teamwork so I'm putting you two in charge
as I go on missions" Minato ordered.

"What about Kushina?" Kakashi asked.

"She has things to do" Minato stated.

Obito muttered something. "Fine. How long?" Obito asked.

"Only a couple of hours. My house is just a few blocks away. You will be greeted by
Kushina who will tell you all you need to know" Minato smiled.

"Alright, come on snow head" Obito walked off.

Kakashi seemed unfazed by that comment and followed "hyperactive moron.." Kakashi

Obito felt his blood boil "psychotic robot!"

"Obnoxious prick"

"Insecure twat!"

Let's just say this went on for hours till they arrived at Minato and Kushinas home.
"Okay, remember Obito. Be nice, this kid isn't like me. He can't handle your insufferable
attitude" Kakashi knocked on the door before Obito could react.

Kushina opened it with a bright smile, as usual "hello to my two favorite
adorable snow cones! Your here to help me with Naruto?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, Minato said you'd help us" Kakashi stated.

"Oh! Come in!" Kushina let them inside "the kitchens over there next to
the living room. Narutos room is upstairs to the right. Make sure you check
on him every few hours because he's a bit spastic sometimes" Kushina joked.

"Okay, but. Are you sure you should be leaving two 13 year olds in care of
a 5 year old child?" Obito asked ( I'm aware the ages don't match 😒)

"Meh, whats the worst that can happen? You catch the house on fire?" Kushina
giggled "... fire extinguishers in the kitchen Kakashi" Kushina whispered
to Kakashi as she left.

"You check on Naruto. I'll get something for him to eat" Kakashi walked off.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Obito said as he trotted his way up the stairs, to Narutos

He opened the door and was met with a small blonde haired boy. He had bright
cyan eyes and three whiskers on each of his cheeks.

"Heyyyy" Obito whispered slightly "so... your mom and dad are gone-"

Naruto burst out crying.

"No, no! Not like that!" Obito tried to calm him down. "Sh1t! If Kakashi hears
this, he'll loose his mind" Obito ran to Naruto.

"Your mom and dad are away for a few hours, but they'll be back" Obito stated.

Naruto settled down a bit.

"I'm in charge of you for the time being-"

Naruto started crying again.

"Ughh! Dammit!" Obito pouted "maybe Kakashi's better with kids..."

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