Shouldnt you be dead!?

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Thank you sooo much for 1k reads!❤️
I honestly thought I'd never even get 100!

Team 7 rushed into the mildly wooden house. They searched for a man who had taken a
hostage from the village of the leaf. Obito rushed room to room until he bumped
into Rin and Kakashi.

"Where is this guy!? It's like a maze in here" Obito looked around, the house alone gave
him chills.

"Maybe there" Kakashi ran off, Rin and Obito following close behind.

They arrived to a room, a hooded man held a woman by the hair. They all
stopped before he could hurt her.

"Let her go! Why are you even doing this!" Rin screamed.

" revenge on the leaf for killing my father!" The man was about to kill
the woman, but Minato jumped threw a window behind the man and pinned him
to the ground.

The woman ran to the two genins and one Jonin in tears.

"Minato sensei!" Rin smiled.

The man struggled under Minato, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a button.
"Release me or we die together" he smiled.

"You wouldn't!" Obito stepped back a bit.

The man smirked. He pushed the button and everything went silent for a moment. To
Obito, this was the longest second of his life. He closed his eyes and jumped back as
he felt a big impact.

He dolphin dived out a window and looked back at the house, to see the entire wooden
'maze' go up in flames. Obito could visually see some explosions.

"Minato sensei! Rin! Kakashi" Obito stood up and was about to go into
the flaming house, Minato tackled him to the ground.

"Don't go in there! I'm sure they'll be okay..." Minato looked back and saw
Rin running out the flaming house, holding her arm.

"Where's Kakashi?" Rin asked sitting down next to them.

*kakashi pov, before it exploded*

Kakashi knew that button was bad news, he grabbed the hostages arm and ran
out the room. He jumped down the railings and threw the hostage out the window.
It was too late to get out the house so all he could do was try his best to dodge the

He saw Obito and Minato jump out openings, while Rin threw open the front door.
Kakashi flinched as a wooden log fell down infront of him, he looked around desperately
for a window but he was stuck in the house.

He tried to focus on his breathing, Smoke filling the air. Kakashi sat down and
covered his head with two Kunais. He had to limit the chance of getting crushed
by the house, unfortunately his vision went black.

Obito and Minato ran around the now chard house. While Rin stayed back to
heal the hostage. Obito searched under every little piece of the house. He was starting
to get desperate to find Kakashi.

"Dammit!" Obito sat down, ruffling his hair out of frustration.
"Why did it have to be Kakashi! Why did he have to save that woman! She
isn't fu#king worth you!" Obito shut his eyes tight.

"Obito.. we have to keep looking. I'm sure he's alive" Minato looked down at Obito

Obito looked up to Minato. He stood and kicked over a wooden plank in
frustration. The plank landed on something soft, making it make a sound.

"Ow! What the f#ck!" Kakashi voice came from the other side of the house.

Obito ran over to the sound and saw Kakashi holding his head "why would you
throw a f#cking plank at me-"

Obito hugged him "I'm sorry! And- wait" Obito pulled back "arent you supposed to be
dead!?" Obito asked "unless..your a zombie!" Obito jumped back.

"I'm alive Baka!" Kakashi hit Obito's head

"How! I thought you exploded!" Obito yelled.

"Skill?" Kakashi shrugged.

Obito hated to admit it, but he was mildly releived that Kakashi lived. He
was happy to hear his voice again.

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