Under Preasure part 2!

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There.. is a lot of angst in this. Brace yourself💔

Valen_Pine Let me just say, I'm sorry, but I also am not sorry🌺

Kakashi bit into his food, hearing the normal cafeteria noises. He looked to his left, seeing
Obito just staring at him. He raised his eyebrow.
"What? Why are you staring" he laughs a little.

Obito smiles "how could I not, you're gorgeous" he stated.

Kakashi placed a hand on his own face, turning away to hide his blush. He didn't expect that, being
flustered. "I hate you" he laughed.

"Ew.. stop flirting in the lunch room, you're putting me off my food" Rin said, rolling
her eyes.

Kakashi and Obitos faces became defensive, and upset. Rin and Kakashi hadn't been reported
to the principle for almost starting a fight, after that day, they both had a natural hatred
for each other.

Before Kakashi could reply, someone did it for him "won't you leave them alone Rin? You've
been causing so much trouble lately" a voice said.

Kakashi looked to his right, and on the other side of the table was a fiery girl, she had
long straight red hair, and a feisty expression. She looked strong and independent, wearing
black jeans with rips on them, and a gray crop top with a black shirt underneath.

Rin scoffed, walking away. The new comer sat down in between Kakashi and Obito, smiling
"Hey, I'm Alex, and you are?" She asked Obito.

Obito leaned back "oh, I'm Obito, thanks for helping us with Rin, she's such an attention
seeker" he rolled his eyes.

Alex laughed "that's so funny, you're pretty cute, I think I've seen you in class" she

Kakashi scooted away, he got bad vibes from this girl, and with her calling Obito a cutie,
it kind of made Kakashi uncomfortable. He didn't think of himself as a jealous person, but
the feeling he felt there proved him completely wrong.

Obito looked away "uh yeah, you mind not calling me c-"

She giggled "I have a feeling you'd make a great boyfriend, ever dated anyone before?" She
asked, crossing her legs.

Kakashi stood up, turning away and walking out the cafeteria. He got way too uncomfortable
with that situation. That girl was asking for a slap, but he held back, since she didn't even
know that Obito was already claimed, not hers.

Kakashi sighed, he was being way too over dramatic. Surely Obito didn't like it either, after
all, Obito loved Kakashi, not some random girl who just happened to show up.

Kakashi looked up, Rin, blowing a bubble with her blue bubble gum. "Already cheating on
you isn't he?" She laughed "you should've learned, he cheated on me, why not you?" She

Kakashi curled his hand into a fist, resisting doing something that could send him to
the principles office "Rin, you should know by now, I'm not falling for one of your stupid mind
game tricks, I'm a lot smarter than that" he walked off, practically feeling the evil glare Rin
was giving him.


Obito scooted away, he worried about where Kakashi had went, now he was stuck here with
this girl. He knew immediately that she only helped them with Rin, because she wanted
to get close to Obito.

Watching Kakashi stand up and leave, made Obito understand that he had to shut this
down, no matter what. It was way too uncomfortable and the girl just ignored his personal

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