Falling for each other through sweets

900 22 56

This is going to be a modern au!🥳
Kakashi is 19
and Obito is 19-20

Enjoy <3

Kakashi tightened the knot behind his apron. He's been at work in the coffee
shop for twenty minutes and he's already tired. His co-workers Guy and Kurenai
are pretty entertaining but overall it's been quite boring.

It's just one customer after another. And Kakashi makes one coffee after another.
Sure it gets boring but the job pays well.

Kakashi was about to hand Guy a coffee to serve the customer when Kurenai
came rushing to the back room.

"Guys!" She squealed "there is a super cute boy out there! Come and see" Kurenai
grabbed Kakashi's arm and led him to the counter, they both looked at the guy
who was sitting in a far away booth.

He had spiked black hair and a bored expression as he scrolled through his phone.
he had a black t-shirt and dark eyes.

"Isn't he cute" Kurenai smiled.

Kakashi sighed "is this your way of making me get in a relationship? I already
told you no one's interesting Kurenai" Kakashi whispered.

"Of course I'm trying to get you in a relationship" she handed him a notepad
"Go take his order lover boy" she smirked.

"What! You know how much I hate talking to peopl-" Kurenai pushed
him out the counter and Kakashi just gave up and walked to the boy.

He looked up at a nervous silverette.
"U-uh hi. What would you like to order?" Kakashi tried to ignore his
social anxiety but it was difficult when you only spoke in stutters.

The boy looked at Kakashi for a minute, a slight pause.

"Aw he thinks I'm weird. Of course. Who wouldn't?" Kakashi sighed internally.

"What do you recommend" He asked.

Kakashi felt his insides freeze. Now he was in the spotlight.
"Um.." he tried to think of what he'd like to order "I like the tiramisu
but whatever you like is fine" Kakashi quickly stated.

He laughed a bit at how nervous Kakashi was "sure, I'll have the tiramisu"
He smiled.

Kakashi wrote it down and tried to look as happy as his little anxious self could.
"Right away sir" He quickly walked back to Kurenai, he already knew how red he
must've looked.

Kurenai knows how anti-social Kakashi is. And she just likes to make him
flustered talking to.. well everyone.

"I hate you" Kakashi muttered as he handed her the note.

"Love you too frosty the snowman" Kurenai smirked as she went
back to the back room.

Kakashi glanced over at the boy again, he knew that Kurenai was just trying
to set him up again but he shrugged the weird feeling off.

When his order was ready, Kurenai was excited to give it to the boy and
Kakashi just knew she was up to something.

As Kakashi was walking back to Guy to give him a order, he overheard Kurenai
speaking to the raven haired boy.

"Hey, here's your order. by the way, my co-worker thinks you're cute"

Kakashi stopped. His entire face turned a bright red as he stood in place. He
slowly turned around to see Kurenai smirking over her shoulder.

Kakashi embarrassingly walked into the back room, getting comments from
Guy that made him want to blow up the coffee shop into smithereens.

Kurenai walked back into the room, giving him a smile.
"Well. If I have to play Cupid for you. I better do it right" Kurenai giggled.

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