We met in the janitors closet

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This is a modern au!!
Just want to be clear, this is a fluff/angst story. There
is no smut❤️

(Just wanted to be clear because people KEEP ON mistaking
this book for smut😭)

Kakashi age: 14
Obito age; 14/15
Sanji age: 16/17

Obito felt his body hit the floor. He quickly got up and ran
to the janitors office door, but it closed too early. The people outside
laughed as they locked the door and walked off.

Obito banged on the door and yelled for them to let him out. He soon
gave up and walked over to the corner, sitting down with his knees
to his chest.

This was the seventh time those stupid bullies had locked him in the
janitors closet in school. And it was only Tuesday.

He was going to start tearing up, he had enough of this. Before
he could, he heard someone unlock the door and he stood up, ready
to fight the bully.

He noticed it wasn't him, it was another person, they looked quite like him
though. They were noticeably shorter, had slick white hair, and a dark
mask that covered their identity.

"Who are you?" Obito asked, trying to seem intimidating. He didn't know
if this was Sanjis friend or something.

"My names Kakashi, sorry about my brother Sanji.. he's been
like this since he started middle school.." Kakashi said, sighing.

"Wait, Sanjis your brother!? I didn't know he had a brother" Obito said,
wide eyed.

Kakashi nodded "what's your name?"

Obito stepped back "hold on, how do i know if he's not using you to
get to me! Huh? You could by leading me to a trap of his. that snake.." he
looked away.

"I'm not! Trust me! He bullies me too! I'd never work with him" Kakashi
said, seriously.

Obito looked back "fine... my names Obito"

Kakashi took his arm and walked out the janitors closet with him. Obito
didn't know if he could trust this boy yet but he'd give him a chance.

They hung out all school day, since Obito didn't have many friends. Kakashi
would tell him how much he hated Sanji and Obito was happy someone
finally agreed with him and believed him about the abuse Sanji gives to people.

Sanji was super popular and when Obito tried to tell anyone about Sanjis
behavior, Sanji would play victim and everyone would hate on Obito instead.

Kakashi had told him that Sanji had pulled Kakashi's hair, killed his pet dog,
chased Kakashi with baseball bats, and even pushed him off the roof. All were
when Kakashi was much younger but it gave Obito a shock.

He always knew Sanji was psycho but killing a child's dog? That's next
level bully, that's not even bullying at that point.

Every week, every day, Sanji would shove Obito in the janitors closet, just
to have Kakashi let him out secretly. Sanji would spill water on
Obito, just for Kakashi to rush towels and napkins to him.

Sanji would abuse Obito in many different ways, just for Kakashi
to help in the end. It went on for months. Sure Obito hated it, but seeing
Kakashi be so caring with Obito, and finally have someone help him.

It felt nice someone was there for him.

One day, Obito asked if he could stay over at Kakashi's house, forgetting
that Sanji also lived there. Kakashi agreed and Obito went home that day
to ask his parents.

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