Bank heist turned personal

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Modern au
Criminal team 7. -Minato

Obito leaned against the wall and looked over his shoulder to see Rin and Kakashi in their disguise's.
Obito, Kakashi, and Rin turned 17 each and decided to make a grand heist at a local bank.

Kakashi looked over at Obito and nodded him as a signal. Obito brought out his pistol
and reloaded it. This wasn't their first heist, they began stealing at a young age and met in
a public school.

They shot up the school and went undercover to become assassins and professional robbers.

Obito saw Rin drop her glass cup. "Oh what a mess! I'm so sorry!" Rin kneeled down and a
couple people went to help her.

Kakashi sneaked out the crowd, passing Obito and giving him a key that he snatched
from a guard that went to help Rin.

Obito snuck his way behind the bank and met Kakashi at the large locked door.

"Is Rin tagging behind?" Kakashi adjusted his mask. He always wore the mask so people
wouldn't know his identity.

"I guess." Obito opened the door to a room filed with cash and gold.

"I'll stash some while you wait out front okay?" Kakashi knelt down and snatched some
jewelry and money.

"Right" Obito stood out front, looking for the guards.

"What a waste of time" a distant voice sighed.

Obito began to panic "Bakashi!" He whispered.

"What!" Kakashi said, clearly focused.

"There's-" Obito decided he should shut up and he dolphin dived into the vault, tackling
Kakashi behind some metal boxes and piles of cash.

"What are you doing!" Kakashi whispered frustrated.

Obito covered his mouth and watched the guards walk into the vault.

"We need to transfer it to corporate, get the guy on the phone." The guard said.

"Right" the two walked out the vault and closed the door.

Kakashi removed Obitos hand "would you get off me!" He whispered.

"Hm?" Obito looked down and he was pinning Kakashi to the ground. "Oh! Uh sorry" he
got up, letting Kakashi stand.

"How do we get out of here" Kakashi questioned.

Obito revealed his watch and pressed a button "hey Rin, you free?"

"Yeah why?" Rin said in a response.

"Me and Kakashi are in the vault but the people locked us in." Obito exclaimed.

"Okay, the vent system should be open so I'm gonna try that route okay?" Rin explained "just
wait with him and don't be seen" she started running.

"Got it" Obito turned off his watch "alright, we have to wait here until Rin comes to our rescue"

Kakashi sighed dramatically and sat down. "Stuck in a giant metal vault filled with
cash, but your here" Kakashi said annoyed.

"For your information, I'm more tolerable than you" Obito spat back.

"If you would have just told me the guards were here I could have prepared my weapons!" Kakashi
brought out his two pistols.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to alert them we were stealing from the vault!" Obito exclaimed.

"You didn't have to tackle me" Kakashi yelled.

"Shut up! They'll hear us you idiot!"

"If I'm an idiot than you must be retarded! You let them go all they way down the hall
without seeing them! Are you blind!" Kakashi regarded.

"Me blind!? And no! It was your idea to let me scout!" Obito argued.

They went back and fourth till Kakashi had enough. Kakashi pointed his pistol
up at the vent and blew a hole through it. Obito shut up as he watched Kakashi stand.

"I have had it." Kakashi walked to the other side of the vault. And blew another hole
in the wall with his other pistol.

Obito was about to say something but the vault door opened. The guards saw Kakashi
and got their weapons out.

"Put your weapon down" The guard ordered.

"Why don't you come make me bi#&$!" Kakashi brought out his second pistol and
blew the two guards heads off easily.

They fell to the ground and Obito looked in awe. "We're... were you that mad..?" Obito
came out his hiding spot.

"I'm just..." Kakashi closed his eyes. "I've been fighting my whole life.. I've never
been able to just sit by and be safe!"


"I just want to stop fighting with people.. I just want people to leave me alone.." Kakashi
turned away.

"This would be wholesome if he didn't just blow someone's head off.." Obito mumbled
"Kakashi, I didn't know you hated fighting so much... let's go meet with Rin okay? We'll settle
this once we're done here?" Obito touched his shoulder.

Kakashi smiled and hugged Obito "I'm sorry for blowing holes in the vault.. and killing
two innocent guards"

"Uh.. it's okay?" Obitos was confused of how he'd respond to that. He was just
happy that Kakashi was okay now.

"You two done yet?" Rin asked as she stood at the door way, holding two bloody


"People found out about our little stunt, and to get rid of em'" Rin smiled.

"O-okay?" Obito answered "I'm stuck with a female psychopath and a adorable murderer.." Obito
smiled "just how I'd want them to be"

"Let's finish this little break through" Rin gathered some cash and money along
with the two boys.

"Im never coming here again" Obito sighed.

This was just a little story I loved the idea about.
I just got done watching the bad guys okay😩 I'm inspired

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