Long sighted love

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This is a missing person au!

This is like, mostly angst so, prepare yourself <3
I've been writing so much lately😂

Oh, and Valen_Pine I have a surprise for you :]
Trust me, you're gonna love it ☕️

It's been six years since Obitos mistake. Since the accident.

He had been missing the silverette everyday since then. Rin always
tried to cheer him up, but it never worked.

Becoming Jonin, didn't make him happy. Rins enthusiastic words,
didn't work either. Not even Minato becoming hokage made
him smile.

Ever since that day, he's never smiled. He always had a neutral face,
never changing. He would be inside more, throughout the years, his
friends always tried their best to make him happy.

But he lost the only one who ever could.

~few years back~

Obito watched, with drowsy eyes as the enemy's took Kakashi. He
tried to stand, falling back down. Kakashi was strong right? He
could handle this right?

Obito closed his eyes, passing out.

He woke up, opening his eyes and looking around. He was
in a hospital room, Minato sensei at his side.

"Sensei? What's going on? Is Kakashi okay!?" He said, sitting

Minato kept his eyes on the ground.

"He's okay right!? Where is he-"

Minato hugged Obito "Obito.. you've been asleep for two weeks.. and
in those two weeks, we all searched for Kakashi. He was announced
dead when we couldn't find him" he said, holding in his tears.

Obito went silent, just processing the information he just

He clung onto his sensei, holding in his screams.

~end of flashback~

Obito walked into the hokage office, Minato sitting there with
a smile.

"Obito! Great to see you, how have you been" Minato asked, putting
down the piece of paper in his hand.

Obito nodded "I'm okay sensei, I was sent here by your
anbu, I have a mission?" He asked, his neutral face still aplace.

"We have heard there is a stolen relic in a abandoned
facility just east of the village. The village to the south said
their relic was stolen and I've been meaning to send
someone to find it" he smiled.

Obito nodded, walking out the room. He went to the gates outside,
hearing the gate keepers mumbling to each other.

Obito knew how different he has become since Kakashi's disappearance.
He had been more silent, more dark and cold. Before, he greeted
people with a smile, and some enthusiasm.

Now, he gave them cold stares, everyone just seeing the deadness
in his eyes. He never knew how much he loved Kakashi until
he was gone.

He reached the facility, taking a couple breaks on the way. It
looked abandoned, broken windows, and barley standing.

He hoped through the window, seeing snakes slithering along the floor. He
sighed, why was he sent on this mission?

He looked around, he wasn't sure where it could be. He didn't even know
what the relic was, how was he supposed to find it.

He felt a substance near him, someone was there. He brought out his
kunais that were around his waist.

"Show yourself, you've been seen" he stated, looking around the shadows.

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