Its all my fault

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Yay angst!🥳
Btw, thank you so much for 12k reads😵‍💫
I honestly am loosing my mind!❤️
This will be a modern au!

Sadness :(
More blood
Talk about abuse
...that's about it :D

Kakashi hopped in the car and closed the door, tears streaming down
his face. His father looked over at him before starting the car.

"You okay Kakashi? What happened?" He asked.

Kakashi turned to the window "Obito.. broke up with me.. h-he
didn't even tell me why!" Kakashi covered his eyes with his hands.

Sakumo grabbed his shoulder "hey, it's okay.. sometimes.. people
are just like that.. you did nothing wrong" he backed out the
car from the parking space.

Kakashi looked over at his father "he just.. walked up to me and.. said
he didn't want to date me anymore.. I don't know why he did" he cried.

Sakumo kept driving "Kakashi.. don't blame yourself, Obito must
have thought hard about it" he turned a corner "Im sure you did nothing

Kakashi looked over at his father "thank you.." he forced himself to smile.

Sakumo returned the smile, looking back at the road. The rain patted
on the windscreen and he wiped them away with the windshield wipers.

"Dad?" Kakashi looked over.

"Yes?" Sakumo asked.

"Where are we going? This... isn't the way to home.." he asked.

Sakumo smiled "don't worry about it" he looked over at Kakashi.
"We're going somewhere safe, and happy" he smiled.

Kakashi looked at his father, raising his eyebrow "what.. what
do you mean?"

Sakumo kept on looking at Kakashi, a weird smile on his face.
Then, he suddenly turned the car to a sharp right, the wet street
causing the car to drift "I love you" he mumbled.

Kakashi's eyes went wide "Dad the break-" before Kakashi
finished his sentence, he looked over to his right, seeing a large
black car flip and drift towards Kakashis window.

It felt like time froze, Kakashi felt his heart stop for a moment, his
whole body feeling numb. Was he about to die? He watched as
the car in slow motion drifted towards his car.

He closed his eyes, his tears becoming faster. He felt a big impact
and tensed up before he hit his head and it all went black.


Obito watched as Kakashi walked off, he was trying to hide his
tears but Obito noticed how sad he looked.

He didn't want to break up with Kakashi, he loved him more
than anything. But he had to, otherwise, like she said, bad things
may happen.

Obito sighed, walking to his moms car. She looked over at him, raising
her eyebrow "what? Did you finally break up with that kid?"

Obito looked out the window, and nodded.

"I'm glad you finally realized how retarded dating a boy sounds. I knew
you'd come around eventually" She backed out the parking lot.

Obito looked over at his mother, she said if he didn't break up with
Kakashi, she would kick him out. Obito never had control of his
life anymore, but then he got an idea.

When his mother took a turn on the road, she scoffed.
"It's always raining!" She rolled her eyes "I cannot believe I have
to drive in this weather, ridiculous." She stated.

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