Under pressure

803 16 194

Hold up! The first quarter of this chapter is when Kakashi and
Obito are 5-6. Later they get into high school🚨

This is a modern au💞

Homophobic words
Covered swears (covered with a * or #)
Parental neglection
(Sorry if this chapter is offensive to you, I can change it if
you're upset with it, just a warning for later T.T)

Valen_Pine Can't wait for a reaction to this one :D

Kakashi ran up to his father, excited. He held the paper up high, showing his test
scores. "Look daddy! I got an A! Aren't you proud!?" He asked, really happy.

Sakumo looked down, snatching the paper. "Couldn't even get an A+?" He
asks, glancing down at his son.

Kakashi stutters "b-but.. I got an A and.. I tried really har-"

Sakumo dropped the paper on the ground, walking off "such a disappointment."

Kakashi's excitement drained, looking down at the paper on the ground. He felt rage, stepping
and crinkling the paper under his shoe. Why couldn't he do better? He didn't try too hard did

Kakashi, with puffy tears in his eyes, sadly walked back to his fathers car. He curled his
hand into a fist, nothing ever let his father praise him, reminding Kakashi that he really
wasn't good enough.

"Hey! You forgot this" someone grabbed his shoulder.

Kakashi looked back, seeing a boy his age holding his wrinkled test sheet.
"It's fine.. I did bad anyway.." Kakashi says, looking back where he was going.

"Are you kidding! You got an A!" The boy said surprised "I got a B-, and I'm proud
of it" he chuckled.

Kakashi turned around, holding his hand to his chest "I.. did good?" He asked.

The boy smiled "one hundred percent! Here" he handed him the paper, their hands
touching "see you!" The boy ran off, leaving Kakashi shocked.

Kakashi felt a lot of things, he actually did good? He smiled, this was the first
time anyone had ever said he did good at anything. He looked at the hand that
touched the boys hand, his face heating up.

"He was such an angel to me.." he smiled, hearing his father honk the car horn.

"Either you get in this damn car or I drive away and leave you here standing
like an idiot!" Sakumo yelled, Kakashi could tell he wasn't joking.

He ran to the car, getting in the backseat and setting his backpack to his side.
He buckled his seat belt, looking down at his black jeans.

"What's with the stupid grin?" Sakumo asked.

Kakashi looked up "u-uh.. nothing" he said, looking out the window to see the boy
smiling and talking to his parents. Kakashis face gradually grew in blush, looking at
the one person who had given him hope.

He was such a light, a star in a night sky. Something that distracted you from the scary. He knew
that boy was in his class, and he occasionally saw him around, but he was so much more noticeable


Kakashi looked up at his new high school, feeling his heart racing. Going from the seventh
grade to the eighth was hard, but going to a completely new chapter in school, it was
hard to swallow.

"Go, stop just staring at the building" his father said, annoyed.

Kakashi rolled his eyes, tilting his head mocking his father behind his back. He stepped
out, dragging his bag behind him.

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