Passing notes

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Obito sighed as he sat down in his seat. Another boring day at school. He wondered isn't anything interesting
might happen but he brushed it off and waited for the teacher. Obito opened his eyes as he sniffed the air.

"What is that?... smells kinda good, like vanilla" Obito looked around and saw the smell was
coming off a boy in front of him "is he what smells so good? I can smell the vanilla from here"
Obito took another deep breath of the wonderful smell.

"Maybe I should ask him about it? Nah, I don't trust myself. I can't just say 'hey! You smell nice~' I'd
be such a creep" Obito then eyed the paper and pen in front of him "I can ask his name!"

Obito started scribbling on his paper but hesitated to give it to the boy "what if he thinks I'm weird..?"
"Oh whatever!" Obito tapped the boys shoulder and he turned around with dark, beautiful eyes that made
Obitos heart skip a beat.

He handed the note to the boy and turned away, to avoid being called out about his heated face.

*Kakashi pov~*

Kakashi eyed the paper in his hand, he opened the folds and read the nice handwriting.

Hello, my names Obito

Kakashi smiled, he turned the paper over and scribbled something. Then he handed it back
with a smile that was covered by his long, black mask.

Obito took the paper with confused eyes.

*obi pov!*

Obito turned the paper over and read the boys message.

My names Kakashi, I'm glad we're talking through notes because I have a stuttering problem

Obito smiled and scribbled again.

*No one pov*

Kakashi took the note back, realizing how smiley the other boy was.

Sorry if this sounds creepy, but you smell like vanilla. I can smell it from here! It's really relaxing

Kakashi blushed a bit, no one had ever said his presence alone was relaxing. Again, he scribbled
a replied.

Obito read the message expecting him to be called creepy.

Thank you, I get a chocolate scent from you

Kakashi must've known Obito finished reading because he turned his eyes to look and Obito
and laughed a bit.

Obito wrote something back and gave it to Kakashi.

Your adorable

Kakashi went a bit red as he returned another message.

You too

The teacher walked in with his Jonin vest and black hair "alright, let's get to work class.

Obito gave Kakashi one last message.

Can't wait to write to you again <3

Kakashi smiled, he felt like the way they were talking to each other wasn't like they just met.

Kakashi picked up his books and papers as he heard the bell ring and saw everyone else doing something
similar. Then Kakashi quickly got out a paper and gave Obito another message.

Obito took it a bit surprised of how close Kakashi was now. The note
portrayed a set of numbers.

Obito looked at Kakashi who was walking out tapping his phone in his hand.

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