♥ one ♥

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"So, you're birthday is coming up in the next few days. Any plans birthday girl?" 

Y/n turned to Sunmi and held out her hand, waiting for her to get the hint. Sunmi stopped walking and looked from Y/n's hand to her eyes. She sighed before digging in her purse for her card and handed it reluctantly to Y/n.

"Well, I have plans now! Shopping spree~" Y/n giggled before skipping for the nearest store. Which so happened to be Chanel. 

Sunmi sighed and slowly followed the over-eager girl, not feeling too great for her card. 

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Okay actually speaking though, you might get a soulmate! Aren't you excited at all?" Sunmi asked as the two girls sat down, their bags pooling at the base of their chairs. 

"Meh, I mean soulmates are for the people who can't find true love themselves. They depend on others to get them through their depressing life," Y/n shrugged, leaving Sunmi dumbfounded in her spot.

"Well, there's one way to think of it...what about the fact you'll never be lonely again?!"

"I won't be lonely! Not when I have you~" Y/n cooed, reaching for her friend's hand. Sunmi pulled away with disgust. 

"Girly I'm getting out of here as soon as possible. Ain't no way I'm sticking with you you're whole life. I'm allergic to owning too many cats Y/n." She shook her head, reaching for her water glass and squeezing a lemon into the clear liquid.

Y/n pouted and reached for her own glass. "I'm just not excited to be stuck with someone for the rest of my life." 

"Nobody said you had to be stuck with your soulmate. You guys could be friends for all anyone cares. Just don't leave them hanging in the dark. Okay?" 

"Okay...but wait, we don't know if I'll even get a soulmate."

"Yeah, that's true. But my bet is you will. Maybe you'll get lucky and have multiple!" Sunmi grabbed her menu and squinted while Y/n did a doubletake.

"Lord Jesus Christ must have a sense of humor then," she muttered before grabbing her own menu and reading a list of dishes that she hadn't even heard of before.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Y/n quietly sat on her couch, watching the bustling city carry on with its lives while she stood watching. Though her eyes were moving with every light and passing car, her mind was somewhere else. She sat deep in thought, trying to navigate through her mind.

Everyone seemed so excited about their 21st birthday. And even more, when the small tally mark appeared. Yes, something as small as a tally mark on their thigh made someone want to scream. Changed their lives forever.

She shook her head followed by a groan.  That's what the therapist told her not to do. Don't worry about it. She padded silently to the kitchen before reaching for her pills and taking 2, chugging a glass of water with the tiny capsules.

Sleeping pills. They always helped her fall asleep without filling her mind with worrying about useless things. She probably wouldn't even get a soulmate anyway. It was rare to get one.

Quietly, Y/n made her way to her room where she got changed into a large, pink t-shirt and shorts with fuzzy socks. She tied her hair in a bun and washed her face before grabbing her glasses and sliding them onto the bridge of her nose. Yes, she needed glasses and was definitely different looking at home compared to hanging out with friends but it was much comfier being herself.

Truth was, Y/n had a lot of insecurities. Like she was scared she would never make an impact. Her name would be forgotten. Or that she would never be considered helpful. She believed sleeping her problems away would help. But she's had insomnia ever since her parents had an argument before splitting up. That's what led to Y/n's mom's depression. The sleeping pills helped. A lot actually. 

She slowly got into her bed and under the covers. 21 was just going to lead to more problems. More problems to sleep away. More feeling of emptiness. On the outside, she acted fine. A shell of protectiveness over her. She's in the process. Process of changing herself to be better about her health. It was going to take some time. 

Y/n stared at the wall as the rain started coming down outside. It had been cloudy all day but finally, when the day is almost over it decides to start raining. 

She pulled her blanket up further so the grey fuzz was tickling her nose. Her knees curled up to her chest, her body instinctively molding into a shell at the faint rumbling of thunder. 

Her mind finally started to clear, her worries dissapearing as soon as the pills kicked in. Her quiet snoring was the only thing heard throughout the whole apartment. Tiny but spacious for her one form. The lights off and thunder roaring, Y/n deep asleep under her blankets. Her life was about to change.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

A/n: I'm gonna write in first person now because that was kind of the introduction. 

Short first chapter but chapters will be different lengths. Hope you enjoyed and sorry if it's starting off a little depressing :/

[Edit 9/19/22]

Almost every chapter takes about 5 minutes according to Wattpad with an average of 1000 words. A short chapter to me is considered about 800 words. Happy reading!

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