♥ forty six ♥

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And finally for the update you have all been waiting for!

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I tapped my foot nervously as we waited to board the plane. Because I was traveling with the crew, we were on a separate plane than the boys.

Planes were never really my strong suit. I mean I had only been on one once in my life and that flight had enough turbulence to last me a life time.

Yet, here I was stressing alone because I wasn't about to tell anyone I was scared of planes.

"Hey are you okay?"

I turned and smiled once I realized it was just Nayeon.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit nervous," I told her. She nodded before glancing around.

"Hey actually I haven't seen Vai at work the past few days...have you seen her?"

My breath hitched as I smiled a little. "Uh no I haven't actually!"

Vai hadn't showed up the last few days at work and her name was taken off the tour work crew roster a few hours before the loading started.

I still hadn't even told Jungkook that she quit. I guess for now he hadn't noticed she wasn't at work. Thankfully.

I still wanted to figure out what was going on by myself. Without anyone breathing down my neck about it and giving me a deadline. I would just have to find another way than contacting her number.


I snapped out my thoughts before grabbing my carry on. "Yeah sorry. What'd you say?" I asked.

She giggled, shaking her head. "We're boarding. C'mon."

I followed her onto the large aircraft and found my seat number. First class but it was rather isolated from everybody else. It was a feeling I didn't like to be honest.

Some people, exhibit A: Yoongi, like to be lonely and enjoy their privacy most times but me? Living alone in my apartment was miserable. I would've moved in with one of my friends if they had room for me.

I slid my bag into the overhead compartment before buckling myself in and reclining my chair slightly.

I turned to the window and took a deep breath before shutting it quickly and getting my phone out from my pocket.

I dialed Taehyung's number, knowing he would pick up.

It rung a few times before there was a click and the calming smoothness of Tae's voice.

"Baby? Is something wrong?"

"Uh no not really...did your plane take off yet?" I asked.

He hummed from the other side before responding. "Yeah a few minutes ago. Why?"

"No reason," I answered quietly.

There was a sudden noise on the other side, startling me.

"Y/n? Are you positive you're okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"We all feel your anxiousness. You can talk to me love. You can talk to any of us," his warmth radiating off his words.

Smiling, a sense of calmness washed over me as suddenly all my fears disappeared.

"What just happened?" someone voiced from the other side.

"I don't really know..." Taehyung responded.

I took a deep breath, the coat of soft warmth covering every inch of worry inside and out.

"Mm everything is fine," I mumbled, oblivious to what was happening as the soothing blanket of love pulled a heavy drowsiness upon me.

"Hey! Y/n snap out of it. What's wrong?!" Taehyung quickly said but it was too late. His voice and the unknown warmth had pulled me too far under.

"Goodnight," I muttered before my arm dropped and I passed out.

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"Y/n wake up!" Someone shook my shoulders, waking me up from my endless feeling of sleep.

I blinked my eyes and rubbed them only to the worried face of Taehyung.

"Y/n what the heck?! Why would you just pass out like that?! Nayeon told me you were out the whole flight!" He blubbered, clearly panicking.

"Tae I'm fine," I shushed him, rubbing my temples in circles.

"Come on. Let's get off the plane before you explain."

"Explain?" I asked sleepily, grabbing my bag.

"Every. Little. Thing."

Sighing I trailed him off the plane and to a private room in the airport where the other 6 were waiting alone.

As soon as we entered, Jungkook jumped out of his seat and ran toward me, wrapping me in his arms.

"Wow I needed that," I giggled, hugging him tightly.

"Okay. I know it doesn't seem like the time but before we all don't have time where we're all together, we have to have a meeting." Namjoon stood up and motioned for us all to grab our seats.

This couldn't mean anything good noting that our last meeting was just two nights ago. I think-

I sat down besides Hobi and took a deep breath as Namjoon slowly sat down.

"Y/n, we have a lot of time. Please explain what happened on the plane."

I nodded before explaining everything in exact detail. Namjoon looked deep in thought while Taehyung just looked thoughtful.

"Hey Joon. While we're on this topic...shouldn't we talk about the cut thing too?" Jin brought up, interrupting his train of thought.

His eyes lit up before he started fishing through his bag. "I was doing some research. Since, y'know, it's a bit strange for soulmates or for normal people in general," he started to ramble on and on as he put together a storm in his backpack.

Finally he pulled out a journal and flipped a few pages. "Okay well I read some books and did some online researching and found a few things that may be helpful."

We all leaned forward in our seats, eager to hear what Namjoon had to say about the strange phenomenon.

"It has something to do with us being soulmates." He shut his journal and stuffed it back in his bag.

Jungkook started laughing as if he was joking but stopped once he realized Joon was being serious.

"Wait that's all you found?" He asked dumbfounded. Namjoon nodded silently before glancing at his bandaged palm.

"You're kidding. There was nothing?" I asked, the spark of hope inside me fading with every second.

He shook his head before leaning over the narrow aisle of seats and grabbing my hand with his wrapped one.

"I'll figure it out. And I have a few theories but for now we should also try to figure out what happened in the plane."

I bit my lip while thinking.

"Well I was nervous before I called Tae but as soon as he started talking to me an immense warmth washed over me. I don't know what it was but all my fears dissolved."

"That's funny," Tae mumbled. We looked up at him, confused.

"Tae, what is?" I asked.

"Well," he leaned forward. "I was trying to calm you down in that exact moment." Our heads snapped in his direction.


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