♥ seventy two ♥

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"Why's it matter to you?" I asked cautiously.

"Because. I and the other 6 have the right to know. We just got into an argument about it and I don't really feel like arguing with you too Y/n."

I smiled at how quick his demeanor changed. His eyes and tone had softened into quite the contrast from before.

"Kim Woojin."


"The ex-member of Stray Kids," I answered honestly.

He pushed off the bed, running his hands through his fluffy brown hair.


He turned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door rather harshly behind him.

Oh my god. What the heck was their problem?

"Jealousy is a cruel bitch." I tutted, getting up from the bed and checking the time.

8:00? When exactly did I leave to go out again? It must've been 7 something. I know for a fact I did not pass out for over an hour just because of hearing Woojin's name.

Either that or I'm a die hard Stray Kids fan.

I left the room to go find Jin and explain myself. I mean Jungkook is right. I did cause an argument and did nothing to stop it.

I knocked on his door, earning a come in.

This time Namjoon was relaxed against the headboard watching TV while Jin was on the opposite side of the room on his phone.

Jeez did this normally happen when they had a fight?

"I'll be back. Hang on," I told them, holding a finger up and exiting to Jimin and Taehyungs room.

They were both on their separate beds, staring at their phones and not talking.

"Okay now you're all just being babies," I huffed, making both men flinch.

"Y/n?! When did you-" Taehyung started fumbling over his words as he looked from the open door to me.

"Come with me," I demanded, crossing my arms and waiting for both of them to get up. Eventually they did and I led them to Jin's room.

"Go in and wait for me."

They nodded meekly and went in without a fight.

I turned to Hoseok's room and pursed my lips. Surely he wasn't so beaten up over a freaking phone call.

I entered the room and froze.

Kay we need to have a serious talk.

"Hoseok sit correctly or you'll get a headache."

He suddenly looked up, falling on his head when he saw me.

He had been laying on his bed with his upper body hanging off the side, the tv blaring Thomas the Train in French.

"And please shut that off." I cringed, plugging my ears.

He quickly grabbed the remote and shut it off before jumping off the ground.

"Did you need something?"

"Obviously. Let's go," I grabbed his hand and led him to the room where the others had gathered. Including Jungkook who had somehow appeared out of thin air.

"Okay first things first. You all need to get yourselves under control because currently none of you are wearing seatbelts on your emotional rollercoasters."

Taehyung stifled a laugh while the others looked unamused.

"Jealousy seems to be a huge issue in this relationship and we're going to fix it. Mk?" I nodded and made sure they all understood.

Thank you to all those years with Alejandro. Maybe I wasn't really paying him for nothing.

"I am your soulmate you guys are mine. Don't get jealous cause it'll never happen end of discussion." I held up my hands to silence them.

Well that never really works. They all started protesting at once so I did what any of my elementary school teachers would have done.

"Clap once if you can hear me."

They did so.

"Now clap twice if you can hear me."

But of course there's always that one brat who just has to do it a million times to get his point across.

In this case it was Jimin.

"Okay. Now that you guys have zipped your mouthes. There is no reason to get jealous. I mean we're all kind of stuck with each other and the bond literally makes us feel physically attracted to each other so..." I weighed my hands up and down on either side of me.

"This coming from you Ms. I already hate Rin with my guts!" Yoongi backfired.

I tried not to let my annoyance be clear but I think I failed when my hair tie I was playing with snapped.

"Excuse me Min Yoongi but I'm closer to my teenage hormonal years than you are!" I snapped.

Jungkook was trying extremely hard not to laugh now. I'm sure he found this whole discussion quite amusing.

"Okay you two stop," Namjoon frowned. I shifted my eyes to look to my feet, suddenly not feeling so in charge at all.

"Let's all agree on our decision, no one gets jealous. Because Jealousy means there's no trust and I'm sure we all trust each other. Right?" Namjoon more asked then assuring us. We all nodded, eyes cast in different directions.

"Alright. Now that that's settled...y/n who were you on the phone with?" Jin asked.

"Are you serious?!" I asked in disbelief. We literally just agreed to not get jealous.

"Kim Woojin. Ex-straykids." Jungkook shrugged.

I snapped my head in his direction. He had no room to talk! Yet here he was, leaning against the wall and propping his food up like he couldn't stand to...stand another second!

"Are you a fan?" Jimin instantly asked.

"Yes!" I cried out, done with all the questions and accusing.

The room went silent at my outburst.

"Yes I'm a fan of Stray Kids! Yes I'm a fan of ITZY and yes I like Blackpink! I like ENHYPEN and TWICE. EVERGLOW too. And Jessie! And HyunA and ATEEZ and NMIXX and IVE and (g)i-dle. Then PENTAGON and EXO-"

My mile long rant was cut off by a pair of lips set on mine. My eyes widened in surprise until I realized it was Namjoon kissing me.

My eyelashes fluttered over my eyes as they closed, enjoying the feeling of Namjoon's soft lips on mine.

It astounded me how somebody who used his lips to rap like a devil could kiss so well.

"Will you shut up about other groups?" He whispered against my lips. I shivered at the odd feeling of his lips so close to mine yet not. Like a ghost.

"There you go with jealousy again," I sighed before grinning.

"Sue me," he smirked, a glint in his eyes.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Guys it's okay to be honest if this chapter sucked. I'm sleep deprived and my whole body is cramping but I had nothing better to do.

Also I had a dream last night that somebody told me this book was lame and it was boring because I was getting hung up on nonimportant stuff. If you feel that way please let me know 😔

Until next chapter loves ✨️

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