♥ seven ♥

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"Okay what was so important I had to leave Seojun?" I asked as soon as she opened the door for me. However, she didn't say anything. I took off my shoes and followed her to the kitchen where she stood and waited for me.


"I KNOW WHO YOUR SOULMATES ARE!" she screamed, cutting me off. My eyes widened and my smile dropped.

"Wow, I was expecting this from Sunmi or Minsu. WAIT DON'T TELL ME I WANNA FIGURE IT OUT!" I shouted back, covering my ears and singing loudly. She grabbed my wrists and stared me down before pointing at the clock.

"I am giving you half an hour to figure it out. If you haven't by the end of the timer, I'm spilling."

I nodded, sitting on the couch and staring at my leg. "Fine. I'll show you I can figure this out on my own," I told her confidently.

She smirked, sitting on a seat across from me, leaning back and munching on a bag of chips.

I stared intently at my leg as if the initials would suddenly turn into names.

"Okay first the initials," I said out loud, trying to clear my thoughts. Jugyeong giggled before grabbing more chips from the bag.

"Oh! Oh! Is it Park Jahyun?! He was in our Biology class in high school, right? Am I thinking of the right Jahyun?" I asked Jugyeong, looking up from my leg.

She shook her head and shrugged. "Come on you can't be like that! Say yes or no," I pouted, crossing my arms.

"You said you could figure it out on your own!"

I huffed and looked back at my leg. "I know a Kim Nanjing. Park Jayhyun...Oh, that guy from my dance class! What was his name...Jeon Hae! Or the pianist for the class. I think his name was Ming Yali." Jugyeong stared at me, a smile spreading subtly across her face.

"What?" I asked, looking up. She pointed to the clock. 20 more minutes. Has it really been 10 minutes?

"Do my soulmates know each other already?" I pressed, grabbing a chip from her. She shrugged again, turning on the tv.

"Yah! I can't think with the tv on! Shut it off."

She obliged, shutting the tv off and continuing with eating chips. "Well, you're no help."

"Oh, I know a Kim Taehyun! He works at a coffee shop near here." Her eyes widened before she facepalmed.

"I don't know anyone with K.S or J.J. though."

She pointed to the clock again. 15 minutes. I swear she rigged the thing. There is no way the clock is moving this fast now when I had to deal with a full 6 hours in high school.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Okay, I give up."

She clapped, standing from the chair right as the alarm went off. "Well good try. I didn't think you were this dense Y/n!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs. "So who are my soulmates genius?" 

"Do you know a Kim Taehyung?" 

"I told you I know a Kim Tahyun! I don't know a-"

She smiled smugly, nodding while my mouth dropped to the ground. "No..."

I flew for my phone and pulled up what I was begging wasn't true. Sure enough, looking from the phone to my leg and I felt like dying. 

"There is no possible way!" I slid off the couch and onto the ground.

"What a drama queen. Yes! BTS! Your soulmates~" she giggled, dancing around the room. 

"Jugyeong I can't! Think about how hard that would be!" I protested, standing up and making her stop dancing. Her eyes went wide as saucers as she pushed herself away from me.

"Y/n listen to me. The oldest of bts is Kim Seokjin. He is 29 years old which means he got your stupid tally mark 8 years ago! Think about how joyful he is right now to have your name appear on his thigh!" Jugyeong shouted, snapping me from my rant. 

"How long have they all been waiting?" I asked quietly, looking at my leg.

"The youngest is 24! The least amount of time is 3 years!!"

"3-8 years for...me?" I asked slowly, sitting down.

"Think about how they'll feel when you reject them like this! I won't let you hurt them! I'm an ARMY myself," she sighed, shaking her head and sitting next to me.

"Wait you're not in the army?" I tilted my head and turned to her.

Her jaw dropped as she shook her head. "How in the world did the universe pair you with them?" I shrugged.

"Look just don't hurt them. Learn to love the idea of soulmates, okay? You can take your time but learn to appreciate them," she demanded, turning to her chips again. 

She reached for the remote but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from turning the tv on.

"T-tell me the good things about soulmates...h-help convince m-me." She jumped up off the couch with a bright smile. 

"Let me find my list!"

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Does anyone just love Jugyeong? 

SevenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora