♥ fifty five ♥

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Tears clouded my vision as Jimin ended the story. Immediately I stood up and sprinted from the room, opening the door to an empty hallway. I quickly navigated past some doors before stopping at the one I wanted.

I knocked quickly and when I heard no response I knocked again. This time I heard shuffles come to the door and a tired Yoongi opened it. As soon as I saw him I launched myself into his arms.

He looked surprised at the show of affection but held on to me anyways, not letting me drop as his hands held below each of my thighs.

"Y/n?" A voice called from further in the room. Looking over Yoongis shoulder I met Jin's soft gaze, making the tears finally spill from my eyes. I pushed my face into Yoongi's neck, sobbing while trying to show him every bit of love I could give.

"Hey no don't cry," Jin mumbled, reaching for my face and wiping my cheeks with the pads of his thumb.

"I-I don't deserve you guys...w-why would you love me a-after all I p-put you through?"

Yoongi set me down on one of their beds as the tears rolled uncontrollably down my rosy red cheeks. Yoongi crouched down infront of me and held my hands.

"Baby? Calm down okay? What are you talking about?" He asked gently. I took my hand and held it against his cheek. He nuzzled against it subtly making me break down even more.

I slipped off the bed and to the ground on my knees. I fell into the embrace of Yoongi once more as Jin cradled me from the other side.

"Shh calm down please princess," Jin whispered. I took deep breaths, trying to get my shit together.

"I-im sorry," I hiccuped quietly.

"For what?" Yoongi asked, rubbing small circles on my cheek.

I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to explain. "Jimin t-told me-"

"Yah what did that idiot tell you?" Jin joked, making me smile slightly.

"He told me t-that you b-both were suicidal..." I choked out, squeezing my eyes shut and willing myself not to cry more.

Both boys went dead silent as soon as I mentioned it and when I opened my eyes to Yoongi he was looking from Jin (who was behind me) to me with glassy eyes.

"That was in the past Y/n," Jin said, but his words sounded shaky. I shook my head.

"I don't care! It was because of me." Another tear slipped down my cheeks. I quickly swiped it away, staring at my lap.

Yoongi moved my chin up to look at him. His dark eyes were wet and glossy as a small tear left his eye.

"P-please don't think like that. Ever," he stuttered, shaking.

"Yoongi it's true. I don't u-understand why you would love me even after I caused your self harm. Unless...you don't love me. I understa-"

His lips locked with mine, stopping me from continuing my sentence. Our tears mixed as he pulled me closer to him. Our kiss tasting of salt of tears and love.

"Y/n. Please. Don't. That was younger me not caring at all. I wasn't thinking. Neither of us were," he mumbled, pulling away and looking at Jin. I turned to face Jin who also had tears running down his cheeks.

Cupping his face, his arms wrapped around my waist in an attempt to pull me onto his lap. I complied and leaned forward to kiss him.

Our lips moved slowly against each other as we tried to share our love for each other in the unspoken act.

I wiped his tears at the same time, making sure he understood I loved him.

"We love you so much. Please understand that Y/n," he muttered against my lips. I nodded before falling back against Yoongi. He caught me gently, picking me up.

"I'm sorry for waking you," I apologized remembering how tired he looked when answering the door.

"You didn't," he answered quietly as I wrapped my legs around him like a koala.

All of a sudden Jin's phone rang, pulling our attention to his phone on the nightstand. He grabbed it and answered quickly. Mouthing the name Namjoon to us. I nodded in understandment as Yoongi stood silently watching him.

"Hey Jin have you seen Y/n? She ran out on Jimin and we can't find her anywhere in the hotel."

Jin looked up at me and smiled as I guiltily looked away. "Yeah Joon I got her. She's tired though so I think she'll sleep in here for tonight."

My eyes widened as Yoongi smirked.

"Okay hyung. I'll see you tomorrow and I'll let the other boys know she's safe."

"Yeah bye," he said before hanging up.

I glanced between the two of them as Jin plastered a mischievous smile on his face.

"You know these beds are rather large. Too spacious for two let alone one person. Don't you agree Yoongi?"

"Yes," he agreed with a small nod. I groaned as Yoongi set me down smack in the middle of the bed while both boys crawled into the sheets on either side of me. I laid facing the ceiling as Jin shut off the lights. 2 pairs of arms wrapped around me while their two large, muscular forms beside me made me feel protected and loved.

"I'm sorry for rejecting you guys," I apologized quietly. They were silent before Jin shifted.

"It's okay. We're past that remember? Now we're all happy to just be with you," he grinned, pecking me on my lips twice before laying back down.

Yoongi turned me so I'd face him as Jin wrapped his arms around my waist. He pecked my nose and lips before hugging me tightly.

"Forget all of that okay? You weren't ready. We don't blame you. Seven soulmates is a lot," he murmured into my hair. I grinned before kissing him softly.

"Thank you. For everything. You guys have changed me so much, you have no idea."

"I want to know what past you was like," Jin teased. I giggled.

"Maybe some other time. Its a depressing story," I sighed before shutting my eyes and relaxing against the pillow.

"As you wish baby," he whispered as our quiet breathing filled the room.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Okay! I'm letting you know that in a little bit I will be holding another challenge. Once we hit 50k views so tell your friends about Seven!

The challenge once we hit 50k will be you guys get the chance to make a new book cover for Seven! More details about the challenge will be out soon but for now just make some ideas! Thanks! 💜

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