♥ seventy seven ♥

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Lucky number seventy-seven! Be prepared for an angsty chapter!

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My eyes narrowed down at the familiar woman sitting at the head of the table who showed no advance to look up at me and say something. So, keeping my eyes on her, I sat in my designated spot, right next to Jin.

A few seconds later and the door opened once more, all seven nervous men entered the room but immediately stopped at the sight of Vai. Without making any comments, they sat down. I glanced over at Jungkook, noting the look of confusion and hurt in his dark irises. We were all thinking the same thing. Why was Vai sitting in the same room as us?

Sejin, one of the managers, cleared his throat. "Ms. Vai has called for an emergency meeting, pausing the tour for the time being. She will explain." Our heads snapped in Vai's direction, my blood boiling with anger. What in the world was going on?!

She looked up, looking anywhere but any of our eyes, until she finally settled on me. She fingered through a few papers before presenting the fakest smile I had ever seen. And I work with Sora.

"I'm so sorry this is such short notice but it couldn't wait any longer," she started, grabbing a folder and pulling out seven equally large packets. "Bi Industries would like to offer you, Bangtan Sonyeondan, a deal."

A twinge of curiosity impelled me not to stand up and slap her for making these boys so nervous.

"What deal?" Namjoon asked, his voice not wavering in the slightest.

She smiled again, her pearly white teeth making it hard to doubt the smile's authenticity.

"Well, it's easy. Either you sign these contracts and yourselves, BTS, over to Bi Industries...or within a week there will no longer be a BTS." She slid the pile of packets to the middle of the table. I now understood they were new contracts but it still didn't make sense.

"How do you have control over that?" I asked. I knew I was pressing a few lines but I wasn't going to just let her get away with something like this. What she had said irked me. The deal didn't sound too enticing at all. 

Her eyes fluttered over to me before she shrugged. "Bi Industries has a lot more to offer than HYBE or BigHit. Plus we own both companies so, either they sign over to us," she paused, letting me finish.

"Or there's no more BTS..." I muttered quietly, already pissed this girl was so controlling! And there was nothing I could do about it. What happened to the Vai I knew? The Vai Jungkook had adored so much? 

"Well now that you all understand. I'm giving you a week to make your decision. If you decide yes, all tour details and things like that will be passed over to us and the public will only know of a company exchange. If not, we'll have to explain in as little detail as possible why their adored idols will no longer perform for the world." She stood up with her papers and walked out, a trail of men in suits behind her. The managers, looking panicked, followed her out as well so once again it was just me and the seven of them.

They stared blankly at the contracts. I sighed, standing up and walking over to Tae who had tears in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned down so my cheek was against his. I felt his tears against my own skin and felt like crying myself. 

"Please don't cry. Things will be okay." I knew that was a fat lie and so did all the others.

"Will you stop saying it's okay?! Because it's not!" Yoongi stood up in anger, making me flinch. He snatched the contract off the table and turned to the door. 

"Yoongi wait," I called, going after him. 

"No! Y/n. You don't understand and you never will! Do you know how hard we've worked for this?! Our entire lives. Jungkook was fucking 15! He's practically been in this his whole life!" Yoongi snapped, turning on his heel to face me. I coward back, shrinking under his intense rage.

"Yoongi calm down. None of this is Y/n's fault," Namjoon demanded, standing up from his seat. Yoongi whipped his head around to face the leader.

"No Namjoon. You don't care like I do," he seethed, turning to face the rest of his group. "In fact you all would probably switch over to Bi Industries because you like the name better! Or because it had anything to do with Vai," he growled the last part, directing his menacing stare at Jungkook. 

Jimin slammed a fist on the table, making the whole room flinch.

"Will you shut up?! You're taking it the wrong way Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin protested. 

Hoseok stood up silently and left through the door. Jin, a hurt expression on his face, got up and went after him, leaving the rest of us in the room.

"Im done," Yoongi spat, turning and making a b-line for his studio.

Tears pricked my eyes as I shook lightly. I didn't think any of them could get this upset. And I just seemed to make the fire angrier.

"Y/n don't listen to him. He's not in his full senses right now," Namjoon smiled. 

"Yeah he gets sensitive about things like work. He'll come around soon," Jimin backed up, pressing a kiss to my temple. 

"Aren't you guys upset too?" I asked, turning to the younger boys at the table. Taehyung was having a staring contest with the contract as Jungkook blankly sat, facing the door Yoongi had just left through.

"I don't understand...why would Vai seemed so happy about this?" Jungkook asked, his eyes watery. 

"I don't think she was necessarily happy Jungkook. She looked a lot like she was acting," Namjoon sighed, patting the youngers shoulder. Forgetting my earlier fear, I suddenly grew angry. Even if Yoongi was mad at me, I wasn't going to let his or the others jobs get taken. 

I grabbed Jungkook's contract and scanned the front page, already hating what it said. "I'll be back," I told them before storming out of the room and going to the designer studio. 

"Nayeon come with me. I need your car," I told her. She jumped up from her desk and quickly trailed me down to the parking lot without a single grudge.

She tossed me the keys as I jumped into the drivers seat. I immediately put Bi Industries into the navigator and watched as a blue line appeared.

"Where are we going?" Nayeon asked as I backed out and stepped on the pedal.

"I'm going to have a little chat with an old friend."

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So Yoongi has a bit of an attitude...don't hold it against him! We know how passionate our lil meow meow is of his work! Almost too much :( 

Thanks for reading!

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