♥ :( ♥

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So guys...I can no longer write on my phone, which may slow updates a little bit. Considering I will also be very busy once August rolls around. 

I can't write on my phone anymore because Wattpad had a huge glitch and I can no longer get into the app. So I deleted it and ultimately decided I would just have to write and post from my computer. 

This means I probably won't respond right away to any messages and/or comments. I will still try to update daily but please understand there is a slight chance I may not. 

IMPORTANT: Also this upcoming week I will not be posting from Wednesday to Saturday because I will be extremely busy and traveling throughout the week.

Thank you to all those who understood and please know this does not mean the end of Seven. It's just switching devices guys. No big deal! I'll make it work :)

Don't lose hope in me!

SevenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora